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I Can't Shut It Off!

In a world where “male enhancement” drugs are a billion-dollar business around the globe, there is still such a thing as “too much”, especially an erection that never seems to go away. What's happening? How can this guy get his erection under control without losing it when he wants it? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do.

Case #: 989


I have erections in bed like you could not imagine. Even when I stand up I sometimes have hard rock erections then get soft. I try to keep it hard and I succeeded then unexpectedly I come. Please, could you tell me what's happening to me. I did very good till three days ago I came an expected I came every day for three days. I never thought I would say this...Please help me get rid of my erection.


The ancient myth of King Midas warns about wishing for something without specifying how to keep it under control. He wished that everything he touched would turn to gold, and it was granted.

5 Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Unfortunately, he had to touch food to eat it, and so starved. He couldn't drink anything, and grew dehydrated. But the cruelest point in the tale is when he touched his daughter. In the earliest versions of the story, he does repent of his wish and gets his daughter back. Fortunately, it's possible for you to get your undesired erection under control, as well.

The Nature Of The Beast

Despite a lot of guys' fantasies about what their lives would be like if they had your problem, persistent erections are definitely not as fun as they imagine. Technically known as priapism or Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS), an erection that will not relax is every bit as troubling as an inability to achieve one in the first place. It can be even more so, because it can be the outward sign of a number of medical problems, ranging from tissue inflammation and cysts up to and including cancer. Trying to “wear it out” through masturbation or sex is rarely effective, and as this can cause your body to produce excess levels of a hormone called prostaglandin E-2, can easily make the problem even worse.

Prostaglandin E-2 normally makes your blood vessels grow wider, which is known as “vasodilation”. However, too much of it can make the tissues around the blood vessels swell up, compressing the blood vessels in ways that can damage them. Also, it can stimulate various components of your genitals, such as the prostate, seminal vesicles or urethra, as well as the penis. But perhaps the worst part is when it stimulates your adrenal glands to put more epinephrine (more commonly known as “adrenalin”) into your bloodstream than your situation demands, because epinephrine stimulates prostaglandin E-2 production. It's a vicious cycle, but fortunately it is one you can break without breaking your erection permanently.

How To Tame The Bone

Your first and simplest response is to reduce your sexual activities, both masturbation and with a partner, as much as possible. The goal is to avoid ejaculations for three full weeks, but getting it down to no more than once every three or four days will help. Get to a health-care provider for an exam, because of the many unpleasant possible causes of PGAS. Your health-care provider will have at least a few suggestions about possible treatment options, but before you start taking expensive medications, you should discuss a few other possibilities first.

One is to eat more fresh vegetables to get more nutritional building-blocks into your body and thereby help boost your healing. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and dark leafy ones like spinach are good places to start, but you should definitely investigate other vegetables like kidney beans and tomatoes for other health benefits. If nothing else, cultivating a taste for fresh vegetables will do wonders for your overall health.

Another option is to take up a moderate exercise program and engage in it for at least 20 minutes each day. This will help stimulate your liver, which will then become more efficient at filtering waste products out of your bloodstream. Drinking more water will also help improve this process.

You should also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to address the various contributing factors of persistent genital arousal disorder.

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Views: 119

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59926

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