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Under Stress and Out of Desire: He Needs an Herbal Supplement to Rejuvenate Falling Testosterone Levels

He doesn’t mince words when he says his interest for sex has waned. Sometimes he no longer wants sex while engaging in the act itself. The culprit is fear – he wants to please his girlfriend, yet he’s afraid he’ll never measure up. He needs a natural herbal formula to increase testosterone levels and reduce stress.
Case #:1930

I’m just going to cut to the chase – I lose my interest for sex in the middle of having it. I think I know why this is happening. You see, I worry about coming too quickly and disappointing my girlfriend. I really want to make her feel good when we have sex, but I feel like I’m always doing something wrong. Then I feel stressed, and after that my body shuts down. I can’t tell my girlfriend how I feel – she’ll end our relationship. But I can’t keep going like this. What can I do?

A lot of discussions today focus on the female burden to meet sexual standards. Women are expected to be attractive, maintain lean bodies and be ready for sex whenever their partners want it. But men also feel pressure in the bedroom, to please and perform like soldiers on the battlefield. These demands take away from the sheer enjoyment sex offers.
The Confusion of Intercourse

It’s no secret men like to bring women to orgasm. The pleasure of watching your girl writhe and wriggle in ecstasy is like a personal victory, and not one all men share. The female orgasm poses a challenge because it’s far less straight-forward than its male counterpart. Questions like “Where is the G-spot? ” and “What is the clitoris? ” rarely get answered. After all, few people have the answers.
To add to the confusion, less than 30 percent of women orgasm during intercourse. Most ladies need clitoral stimulation to hit the big O, and that stimulation seldom comes from traditional sex. This means men have to work a little harder, open themselves to a bit of embarrassment and experiment until they get it right. Come to think of it, women have to do some of the same. No wonder the topic of intercourse is so difficult to discuss.
Sex can be disappointing for men who discover they can’t bring their women to orgasm. Then the pressure to do better mounts, and making love under pressure is like fighting a typhoon with an umbrella –impossible. Sex at this point becomes nothing more than a chore – you’re fighting to maintain an erection and keep going as she hopes and prays for climax.
The Fight against Premature Ejaculation

You said you’re worried about coming too quickly and ruining sex for both of you. Performance anxiety plagues about 20 percent of all men. To hide their fears and prove their masculinity, many men rush to climax. But this gives way to another condition – premature ejaculation – in which you or your partner is dissatisfied with your sexual performance.
You may or may not have premature ejaculation (PE). If you want to last longer during sex, it’s a certainty you do have it. This condition is not governed by a specific timetable but is instead based on what you want from sex. If you last 20 minutes and are satisfied, PE is not a consideration. But if you want to last longer, or your girlfriend wants you to keep going, you need to take the steps necessary to correct premature ejaculation.
Regaining Your Sex Drive

What does all of this have to do with your loss of interest in sex while engaging in the act? Plenty. It sounds like you’re under sexual stress, and stress of any kind is known to lower testosterone. Some scientific studies even suggest cortisol, a hormone released during stress, works in opposition with testosterone. Cortisol may therefore be responsible for loss of libido in men.
A growing number of doctors advises against prescription drugs when dealing with hormonal imbalances. Pharmaceuticals only add chemicals to the body that can further interfere with hormones. They also come with a host of unwanted side effects.
A more efficient option is a natural herbal remedy designed to help the body increase testosterone production. Cuscuta Herbal Pills are formulated with ingredients like Ostrea Gigas and Cornus Oficinalis to rejuvenate penis tissues and improve sexual stamina. (TRY: Cuscuta Pills for Ejaculation Control) They also balance testosterone levels to increase vitality. You’ll feel a renewed interest in sex and enjoy harder, firmer erections to help you go the distance. Neither you nor your girlfriend will have room for complaint.

What to do

Cuscuta Herbal Pills For Premature Ejaculation & Low Testosterone

Increase testosterone production with this formula to help combat male menopause, low sex drive and premature ejaculation

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Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59629

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