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When Smoking and Making Love Collide: His Nicotine Addiction is the Cause of Erectile Dysfunction

He is a middle-aged, married man dealing with erectile dysfunction. The cause seems to be nicotine – he admittedly loves to smoke and has all the symptoms of toxic overload. If he wants longer, firmer erections, he’ll need to stop smoking and take a product designed to increase penis health.
Case #: 1896

I am a middle-aged man who loves his wife. But if I’m honest, I also love to smoke. This has become a problem because I think it’s behind my impotence. I read that nicotine damages a man’s penis, and my symptoms seem to confirm my suspicions. Before sex, my erection isn’t as hard as it once was. I could get harder just five years ago. I also can’t maintain an erection. I want to, but I can’t. Is nicotine my problem? Please help.

Our society loves myths. Perhaps they satisfy our collective need for legends, or maybe they pique our curiosity in a way the truth cannot. In any case, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a topic around which myths circle. Because so much emphasis is placed on the penis, many believe ED suggests a lack of manhood. But we’re here to tell you this isn’t true, and we’re going to set the topic straight once and for all.
The Bigger Picture

More than 30 million American men suffer from ED – meaning this battle is not limited to a particular group. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study tells us most males will suffer from a few occasions of ED before age 45. This condition is experienced differently in different men. Some cannot get hard, some get only slightly hard, and others achieve an erection only to quickly lose it.
ED is different from other sexual disorders in that can the confidence of both partners. Because women often measure their sex appeal by their male partner’s performance in bed, and men who suffer ED usually withdraw into a shell of embarrassment, a relationship can be absolutely devastated. Studies show 20 percent of all marriages end because of ED.
The Truth You Need

Ask any person on the street what the average male with erectile dysfunction looks like, and they’ll say, “Old.” But any male of any age can suffer ED. Why? Because something is wrong with his body, not his sexuality.
Sometimes hormone levels are imbalanced, a man has an underlying heart condition, or diabetes are unmanaged. High blood pressure and spinal cord or nerve damage also cause ED. In addition, a man can suffer from emotional conflicts similar to a woman. He might feel dissatisfied with a relationship or lack the level of attraction necessary for desire.
Still another problem, one more common than you might believe, is that of smoking.
Nicotine harms an erection in two different ways. It damages nerves that create an erection and also reduces blood flow that prompts a strong, thick hard-on. These short-term effects instantly impact the body. On the long-term path, reduced blood flow can damage penis tissues and decrease flexibility.
The Biggest Reason to Kick the Habit

If you want a bigger, harder penis, you need to quit smoking. Now. For proof, consider the results of a study published by Time on September 15, 2011: men who smoked and stopped within eight weeks enjoyed harder, bigger erections than their smoking counterparts. These men also improved their sex lives by achieving maximum levels of sexual arousal. This means more intense orgasms and therefore more satisfaction.
Quitting Probably Won’t Be Enough

While we strongly recommend you put down the cigarette, we also suggest you use something to improve your sex life. (SEE: Smoking Detox and Penis Enlargement Formula) We say this because cigarette smokers need additional help to restore penis health. Don’t be alarmed – all you need is a specialized product to flush cigarette toxins from the body and restore the strength of your erections. This is a process that will happen with time once you stop smoking but can be hastened with a supplement, cream, gel, or pill.
The products we’re talking about promote blood flow to the penis and repair damaged tissues. They also open arteries to allow for bigger erections that last until you and your partner are satisfied. For men suffering from ED, these products offer viable alternatives to prescription medications. They’re safe, natural and effective. Choose from a variety of options to suit your needs and get the erection you want.

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Views: 199

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 59480

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