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Your Guide to Male Menopause

Most people know about the experience of menopause for women, but few are aware that men also go through a similar midlife crisis known as Male Menopause (Andropause). The symptoms of male menopause have become more recognized and understood. The symptoms include:

  • Decrease in sexual desire and drive
  • Weak erection
  • Loss of ability to concentrate
  • Decrease of memory power
  • Moodiness
  • Depression
  • Reduced activity or lack of interest in physical activities
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nervousness & anxiety
  • Feeling weak

This physiological and psychological toll wreaks havoc in aging men. Most men suffering from andropause see testosterone levels drop significantly through the decades, beginning as early as age 35.


The cause behind male menopause is the gradual decrease of testosterone and increase of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Protein) resulting in lower functional testosterone available. As men age, testicles and adrenal glands do not produce enough testosterone.

Testosterone is the key steroid hormone responsible both male primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Testosterone increases muscle and bone mass, growth of body hair, sex drive and power the erection for penis.

SHBG - The Master Regulator for Testosterone

Recent studies have found that increasing SHBG is one of the factors that reduced free-floating testosterone in the blood. SHBG is mainly produced in the liver. The major role of SHBG is to protect and transport sex hormones throughout the body. So SHBG has a strong bond to testosterone and too much of SHBG means lower levels of functional testosterone available in the blood. [1] [2] [3]

Obesity Linked to Low Testosterone Level

Deer Antler

deer antlers growth is driven by testosterone. As part of the preparation for mating season, deer actually produce no testosterone in their bodies while they are growing antler. Due to the highly concentrated natural growth factors needed for the production of testosterone, Deglatined Antler is best known as the natural supercharger for boosting production of testosterone.

A study published from the journal of Diabetes Care from the University of Buffalo confirmed that 40% of obese men have lower testosterone levels. That number jumped to 50% for obese diabetic men. [4]
There are many interesting molecular and physiological interactions on how obesity affects testosterone levels and the opposite is also true. Obese males have a higher chance of experiencing male menopause because enzymes in the fat tissues can break down testosterone. [5] [6] [7]

For most healthy seniors, higher testosterone levels are linked with higher insulin sensitivity that can avoid or reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. But those aging men with lower testosterone levels have a greater risk of developing cardiovascular and diabetes. After all, testosterone is beneficial in the regulation of insulin, blood pressure, and lipid production. Therefore, checking your testosterone levels regularly is the best early indicator of risk for the metabolic syndrome. [8] [9] [10]

- Obese men with coronary diseases have both lower testosterone levels and higher chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction.

- Drops in testosterone can result in reduction of metabolism that can lead to obesity.

- Testosterone is also responsible for sex drives in women. Women have lower levels of testosterone than men and generally have a lower sex drive than men.

- Checking testosterone levels regularly is the best early indicator of risk for the metabolic syndrome.

Natural Sources To Testosterone Boost

Consumption of many herbal ingredients and food sources are natural ways to boost testosterone levels without worrying any side effects. Deglatined Antler, Tongkat Ali,Shan Yao, Tu Si Zi,She Chuang Zi,Tribulus Terrestis, Prunus Africana, Lepidium Meyenii, Eucommia Ulmoides, and Avena Sativa are believed to up regulate testosterone production and decrease sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).


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  1. ^Gray A, Feldman HA, McKinlay JB, Longcope C. Age, disease, and changing sex hormone levels in middle-aged men: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 99; 73;1016-25.
  2. ^Yeap BB. Testosterone and ill-health in aging men. Nat Clincal Pract Endocrinol Metab., 2009. Feb 5(2):113-21
  3. ^Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, eds., Williams Textbookof Endocrinology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2008.
  4. ^S. Dhindsa, M. G. Miller, C. L McWhirter, D. E. Mager, H. Ghanim, A. Chaudhuri, P. Dandona. Testosterone concentrations in diabetic and non-diabetic obese men. Diabetes Care, 2010.
  5. ^Chen RY, Wittert GA, Andrews GR. Relative androgen deficiency in relation to obesity and metabolic status in older men. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2006 Jul;8(4):429-35.
  6. ^Cohen PG. Obesity in men: the hypogonadal-estrogen receptor relationship and its effect on glucose homeostasis. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(2):358-60.
  7. ^Zumoff B. Hormonal abnormalities in obesity. Acta Med Scand Suppl. 1988;723:153-60.
  8. ^Muller M, Grobbee DE, den Tonkelaar I, Lamberts SW, van der Schouw YT. Endogenous sex hormones and metabolic syndrome in aging men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 May;90(5):2618-23.
  9. ^Nuver J, Smit AJ, Wolffenbuttel BH, et al. The metabolic syndrome and disturbances in hormone levels in long-term survivors of disseminated testicular cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Jun 1;23(16):3718-25.
  10. ^Makhsida N, Shah J, Yan G, Fisch H, Shabsigh R. Hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome: implications for testosterone therapy. J Urol. 2005 Sep;174(3):827-34.
[More Details +]

Views: 195

Ideas: Men's, Male Menopause, low testosterone, stress, chronic fatique, mood swings

Blog ID: 62274

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