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The Dangers of Treating Your Penis Like Stretch Armstrong

Penis-stretching exercises killed his sensitivity, weakened his erections and just left him feeling like less of a man. That really sucks when you’re only 19. Learn about the dangers of penis stretching, and find out the solutions.

Case #: 684


I am 19. I tried jelqing last year and my erections haven't been the same since. Like I can't get hard anymore and when I do I can barely feel it, and my stamina has dropped severely. I’m worried that I may have caused some permanent damage. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I’m extremely worried.


Ah, the dreaded jelqing exercises. They promise to extend the size of your penis and turn you into the kind of insatiable sex god that even Charlie Sheen would bow before. But as with so many things in life, big promises often leave you with more than you bargained for.

Like the genie who promises to grant wishes, but instead leaves the hero desperately clinging to life, penis stretching exercises are hardly the miracle that they seem. The results can be sexually debilitating, but there is hope.

Why is This Happening?

There’s an old joke featured in films, comic books and TV shows. If someone wants to be taller, just tie his arms and legs to a torture rack and start pulling in all directions. Okay, so the humor is pretty morbid, but you get the idea.

Obviously this is a bad method for getting taller, but what you’re doing to your penis isn’t much different, unfortunately. Penis stretching can damage and distort the nervous cells, fibers and synapses responsible for achieving and maintaining a healthy erection.

If you stop the stretching and allow the penis to heal, the nerves and tissue will ultimately repair themselves, but the erection may not be as hard as it once was. Plus, the accumulation of scar tissue may leave your penis less sensitive.

Getting Back on Track

Your penile health is important. That much is for certain. And it’s not just about your ability to reproduce. It’s the satisfaction of having great sex, and the confidence of knowing that your manhood is fully intact. It’s physical, it’s mental, and it’s psychological, so we need to take action, quickly.

Fortunately, there are simple ways of getting back on track, and they don’t involve surgery or any other complicated procedures. In fact, the solution may be as simple as stocking your medicine cabinet (and no, I’m not talking about those dangerous prescription pharmaceuticals).

With the right combination of natural herbs, you can repair penile fractures, restore the quality of your erection, rejuvenate the sensitivity receptors, relieve pain and enjoy the kind of sexual vitality that you enjoyed in your adolescence (which was, what, like two years ago?).

I would recommend an herbal remedy containing Alisma Plantago, Cornus, Guarana, Milk Thistle, Schisandra and similar ingredients that promote penile health (SEE: Penile Pain & Nerve Rejuvenation herbal remedy). And next time you feel like stretching your penis, just remember the torture rack.

[More Details +]

Views: 164

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 61490

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