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Below-Average Sex Can Be Tied to a Below-Average Penis Size

Tired of having below-average penis size? Or maybe you're above average but still looking for a boost. Learn what you can do improve your penis size naturally and safely.

Case #: 860


I have a problem with my penis size. My penis is not thick or long in length. It is 4 1/2 inches and narrow. I did some reading on the website and I am not average. I don't know which product will help my penis grow thick and 1 1/2 inch length. Tell me how.


Every guy wants a bigger penis. Whether he's sitting on 2 inches or 9 inches, nothing is ever enough. Of course, your concern is well-founded. Human beings are the one species that has evolved to favor larger penis size, because as it turns out, the women of our species are drawn to long and thick shafts. That's why your dog is perfectly content to have a tiny pink earthworm between his legs, while you constantly run to the bathroom with a measuring stick.

The good news is that there is hope. You don't have to just settle for the size with which nature provided you.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: An 18-year-old man sees his 4-inch penis as below average. Find out how he managed to improve his size with these solutions. If you’re below average, learn what you can do. And for even more help, leave me your comments below.

Your Solution: Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement

Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview

The Science of Penis Size

Size is a matter of heredity. If you have a small penis, it's a safe bet that your father had a small penis, or perhaps his father before him (hey, sometimes hereditary traits skip a generation). But even if you're looking down at a below-average skin flute, you can still give heredity the finger and carve out a new penile destiny for yourself.

A person predisposed to obesity can still lose weight, a person predisposed to alcoholism can end the cycle of addiction, and a person predisposed to penile inferiority can break through the shackles of diminutiveness and impress even the most discriminating of sexual partners.

First, you need to understand how penile growth works. There is a process known as penile ballooning, whereby the natural size is expanded beyond its visual limitations. When you pull a new balloon out of a bag, it's small and limp. But when you apply air, it expands to multiple times its original size.

Penile ballooning works similarly (but without the risk of popping, thank god). But rather than filling a hole with air, we need to fill the penile chambers with more blood, which causes the skin to stretch and expand both vertically and horizontally.

Filling the Balloon

Before you go running to the garage for your bicycle pump, remember, our solution here is about improving blood flow. You aren't going to achieve this with surgery, penis pumps or any foreign objects. The best way to achieve this effect is with the help of botanical remedies formulated for erectile firmness. (TRY: Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement) Herbs like Tongkat Ali, Herba Cistanchi,Morinda Root, Epimedium and Avena Sativa work to increase blood flow to the penis and improve sex hormone levels, ensuring that your erections achieve their maximum potential, and that your penis expands to its ultimate, uninhibited glory. Just try not to put an eye out with that thing.

What to do

Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement

Stop worrying about the size of your penis and start taking Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement.

[More Details +]

Views: 169

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 60670

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