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Life in the Fast Lane: A Self-Proclaimed Swinger Seeks Help for Subdued Sexual Stamina

He once boasted morning erections that always drew attention from his lovers. Now married, the morning wood has stopped, and his desire has similarly dissipated. The culprit is easy to pinpoint: too much sex. As a self-proclaimed swinger who enjoys nearly 20 rounds of sex each week, his body is too exhausted to function properly.
Case #: 1987

Years ago, when I was in my 20s, I woke every morning with a huge erection. The women I dated at this time thought I was a pig, always hard and always horny. Maybe I was – I loved sex and still do. I love it so much I engage whenever possible. I’m married, but my wife and I are swingers. It’s not unusual for me to have sex 10 or 12 times on the weekend. We thrive in our lifestyle, and we make love at least once a night. However, I’m afraid all this sex and ejaculation is starting to affect my body. Not only do I no longer have morning wood, but I also don’t want sex the way I used to. I think I need some vitamins…no way am I willing to give up the life I’ve made for myself.

Here’s what we can quickly tell you: erections in the morning are perfectly normal. More than that, they represent healthy male bodies. Any man free of erectile dysfunction will sport between three and five spontaneous erections each night. These occur while you sleep, so you may not be aware when you have one. Whether you find morning wood amusing, embarrassing or prideful, its absence suggests a problem with your health.
Nocturnal Penile Tumescence

Although we commonly know it as a morning glory or morning wood, the scientific term for this phenomenon is nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT). NPT is so prominent that babies in the womb experience it. Several different theories have attempted to explain morning wood. One suggests rapid eye movement (REM) sleep shuts down a man’s inhibitory responses. Because NPT accompanies REM, it’s safe to believe morning wood is nothing more than a response to deep, restorative sleep.
Some take this theory one step further and suggest that during REM, muscles relax and blood vessels dilate. This creates the perfect circumstance for an erection. Now the only thing left to discuss is why NPT occurs. Again, you’ll find two common theories to explain this.
The first suggests NPT is the body’s natural defense against erectile dysfunction. During an erection, veins in the penis fill with oxygen-rich blood. The oxygen vitalizes tissues that expand with every hard-on. If those tissues remained stagnant, as happens when the penis is flaccid, they would lose their elasticity and decrease a man’s likelihood of achieving hard, powerful erections during sexual arousal.
The second theory claims NPT keeps a man from bedwetting. A man’s ability to urinate is blocked when he achieves an erection. Hence, if the bladder is full and he is at risk of wetting the bed, NPT may be a reflexive mechanism. Most people, however, discount this theory.
Sexual Exhaustion

So far, we’ve explained how morning wood encourages optimal penis health and possibly prevents embarrassing accidents. It is therefore time to examine the effects of too much sex. Yes, this sounds like a misnomer – how can anyone have too much sex? But in reality, the body was designed to endure only so much pleasure.
Here’s what we mean by sexual exhaustion: after each orgasm, whether male or female, the body becomes flooded with hormones and endorphins. This flood provides the after-sex glow so many people crave. It also staves off pain and promotes heart health. No wonder people are hard-wired to enjoy sex.
But too much of a good thing becomes problematic when speaking of the body’s natural chemicals. Each body strives to maintain a delicate balance of hormones to sustain reproductive functions, sexual responses, healthy metabolism, routine sleeping patterns, and a host of other activities. Anything that upsets this balance, such as the repeated release of hormones after orgasm, disrupts harmonious functions. It also leads to exhaustion in which the body is overworked and, in many cases, too tired to enjoy sex.
Even Expert Lovers Need Occasional Help

To regain your morning wood and get your sexual desire back on track, you need an herbal remedy that contains Panax Ginseng. (SEE: Morning Erection Restoration Formula) Grown in the fertile lands of China, Panax Ginseng stimulates all facets of a male’s sexual response system. It balances hormones, increases blood flow to the penis and relaxes smooth muscles to promote hard erections. When combined with other potent herbs, it also improves libido and nerve sensitivity. You’ll soon say good morning to renewed erections and good night to sexual dysfunction.

What to do

Oh, Hello Morning Wood

Known by most men as the morning wood, a ro

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Views: 211

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive

Blog ID: 59083

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