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Impotence Caused - by Alcohol Abuse

"Alcohol is man's greatest enemy, but according to the Bible, men should “know thy enemy.” --Frank Sinatra

 Except in too many instances men know their enemy a bit too well. Alcohol can increase chances of liver cancer. It can alter brain chemistry. It can even diffuse into every biological tissue and cell membrane.

Alcohol penetrates, opens or destroys the brain-blood barrier essential for impede the entrance of toxins. It enters the bloodstream, allowing chemical toxins to flood and alter the cerebrospinal fluid. Despite its dangers, alcohol remains the number one used chemical for enhancing sex. Instead, long-term use prevents sex. According to recent studies, erectile dysfunction can affect as many as 50 percent of men with alcohol-induced cirrhosis. Men who suffer from alcohol abuse display typical symptoms, including:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Poor memory
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep disturbance or poor sleep quality
Pathlogical Process Behind Alchol-Induced E.D.

An erection is a sophisticated set of chemicals working in unison to pump and keep blood inside the penis. The nervous system dilates and relaxes blood vessels. Nitric oxide stimulates the penis for an erection, while testosterone powers the desire for sex. Alcohol manages to decrease nitric oxide production while inducing testosterone-estrogen conversion. Increased testosterone-estrogen conversion occurs thanks to an inflamed liver that releases enzyme aromatase, which too elevates the conversion rate of testosterone to estrogen. Meanwhile, an increased testosterone-estrogen level will stimulate the pituitary gland to release prolactin while minimizing oxytocin.

Prolactin helps counter the affects of dopamine. The problem is high prolactin prevents dopamine from doing its job: creating arousal. Instead, the damage to prolactin, oxytocin and testosterone lead to impotence.  

Brewer's Droop?
The chart below demonstrates how a small consumption of alcohol can relax the body and increase blood flow that helps overcome some degree of stress or anxiety before sex. As the body becomes intoxicated, the inhibitory effect of alcohol leads to temporary impotence. 

Side Effects of Long Term Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol blocks and impairs neurotransmitter action in the synapses, letting chloride and potassium out of neurons, which leads to memory loss, amnesia and hangovers. When liver damage occurs, the body experiences dopamine and acetylcholine distortion, which results in slow reaction time, blurred vision and loss of muscle coordination. 

If you are experiencing weak erections or a loss in erection firmness in the middle of sex due to years of alcohol abuse, you need to take action to treat your Impotence. Take Natural Remedies For Alcohol Impotence to help your liver and penis. Nourishing and healing herbs such as Bupleurum, Milk Thristle, Tumeric, Fo Ti, Cnidium, and Tongkat Ali formulated together into herbal remedy are known to restore liver function while increasing blood flow to penile tissues for firm erections.

  1. ^Lemere F, Smith JW., Alcohol-induced sexual impotence., Am J Psychiatry. 1973 Feb;130(2):212-3.
  2. ^Cornely CM, Schade RR, Van Thiel DH, Gavaler JS., Chronic advanced liver disease and impotence: cause and effect?, Hepatology. 1984 Nov-Dec;4(6):1227-30.
  3. ^Tan ET, Johnson RH, Lambie DG, Vijayasenan ME, Whiteside EA., Erectile impotence in chronic alcoholics., Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1984 May-Jun;8(3):297-301.

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Ideas: Men's, Impotence, alcohol abuse

Blog ID: 62358

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