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How Can I Control My Over Masturbation

He is suffering from Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome as a result of over-masturbation.

Case #: 226


My big problem is why I can't stop masturbating? What do I have to do to stop?


Your addiction to masturbation may be psychologically based, or it may be physical. Since I know nothing about you, it's difficult to make that determination. But what I can tell you is that your frequent masturbation can induce Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS) also known as Persistent Erection, which can force you into a vicious cycle of endless masturbation.

Horny All The Time

Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS) will exhaust you and lead to further complications if not treated. Physical arousal can be very intense, persisting for extended periods, days or weeks at a time. Ejaculation can sometimes provide temporary relief, but within hours the symptoms return. The symptoms can be debilitating, preventing concentration on mundane tasks.

The symptoms of Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome include inflammation of the penis, urethra, prostate and bladder as well as pains in the pelvic area, testicles, joints, and stomach.

Possible Causes

PGAS can arise from a cyst, fibroid, tumor or cancer outgrowth in the prostate, seminal vesicles, and urethra. In addition, an excess of prostaglandin E2 can directly stimulate these areas, leading to sexual arousal. And when your pituitary gland fails to release sufficient prolactin, you have no way of suppressing sexual arousal and orgasm urgency.

So why does this happen? One reason is excessive masturbation. You need both oxytocin and prolactin in your bloodstream to feel sexually satisfied, but masturbation won't induce much oxytocin release. However, masturbation can produce a lot of prostaglandin E2 in your clitoris, urethra, and vagina, triggering your adrenal medulla and hypothalamus to release excess epinephrine into your bloodstream that results in persistent genital arousal after masturbating.

Mind Cleansing

You need to cleanse your mind of dirty thoughts. You must keep busy to avoid the urge to masturbate, but too, you must fight the urge to do so. Will you stop masturbating all at once? Try limiting your habits to three times a week and then lower the activity to once a week. Once you are down to once a week, stop all together. You may benefit from Mind Control Solution for a Dirty Mind to minimize the urge to masturbate.

[More Details +]

Views: 159

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59059

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