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The Info. You Need to Know Behind PE

When he masturbates, his endurance is endless. When he has sex, he experiences an endless lack of endurance.

Case #: 28902


I enjoy masturbating. I do it daily, often multiple times a day. When I masturbate, I can go for hours and hours. When I have sex, I can last only a few minutes. What’s wrong with me? I want to have the endurance of a well-experienced man.


Masturbation accustoms your body in a negative way. Masturbation does not create the same level of stress and anxiety that sex will. Instead, masturbation leads hormone and neurotransmitter deficiencies that cause your performance anxiety-induced PE. Masturbation depletes four main hormones and neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and acetylcholine that re-train your mind. Your body becomes accustom to a learned sensation from masturbation, a sensation that subjects your body to ejaculating to a pattern of hyperactive images rather than an actual human. Below is a detail physiological explanation of hormonal imbalance and performance anxiety caused by over masturbation:

1. Testosterone depletion can cause weak erections, which can result in premature ejaculations.

2. Depletion of the serotonin level in the brain and spine interneurons. Interneurons modulate the autonomous function from the parasympathetic nerves to the sympathetic nerves, known as the "Fight or Flight" functions. When serotonin becomes depleted, so too do these interneurons, resulting in a loss of necessary nerve functions that result in P.E.

3. Depletion of acetylcholine levels. Acetylcholine serves as an essential communication neurotransmitter that elevates heart rate and controls an ejaculation. When acetylcholine levels deplete, so too does your ability to control an ejaculation.

4. Depletion of Dopamine. Dopamine is charged with making you experience pleasure. When the body is overloaded with this type of neurotransmitter, what once felt great now feel dull. As a result, you will experience a testosterone deficiency, penis shrinkage, and uncontrollable ejaculations.


You need to relax during sex. You also need to stop masturbating. Remember, masturbation will continue to create an imbalance in your body. You must work to balance your hormones and neurotransmitters once again. In addition to refraining from masturbating, you may benefit from taking powerful herbs that calm your ejaculatory nerves and fix your PE problem. These products contain all-natural herbs that help eliminate toxic waste and balance your hormone level.

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Views: 149

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 61603

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