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Just Say No to Sex Acrobatics – Dangerous Sex Positions and Penis Injury

Read one guy's painful account of dangerous sexual positions and the penis rupture that followed. Find out how this type of damage can be reversed.

Case #: 851


I'm 25 and have a high sex drive. I do have an 8.5 inch, very thick penis and have received complaints on it not being hard enough. I've read through your posts and realize that I need to power up my penis. However, more than 2 years ago, I think some limited damage was done by a girl riding me too hard when I was soft.

I'm not at a point in which I would like to have a powered up 6 O' clock penis and be able to really and fully please my girlfriend.


Sex is intended to be an intimate, powerful and even spiritual bonding experience between two people who deeply love one another (or between six random strangers who met on Craigslist, but that's another story). Sex should be pleasurable for both partners, but it should also be safe. It's not Cirque du Soleil, and frankly, we're not very good trapeze artists.

Yes, I realize that the missionary position can get pretty stale after about the thousandth time, but dangerous sexual positions are one of the leading causes of penile pain and injury. Talk about an embarrassing doctor visit.

It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Breaks Their Penis

Tired of going through the motions of boring, repetitive sex positions? Why not try the sweaty pretzel, the pelvic sidewinder or the dangling freight train? Actually I just made those up, and yet I'm still certain that someone, somewhere has tried all of them. But here's the problem: Certain sexual positions put the penis at risk for fracture, and some of these fractures can have long-term or even permanent damage.

It's like this. An erection occurs when your penis becomes engorged with blood (doesn't sound so sexy now, does it?). Unsafe sexual positions can rupture the cylinder lining, causing trauma to the erect penis. As a result of the fracture, it becomes more difficult for the shaft to store ample blood for an erection, and you may also notice pain and discomfort. Come to think of it, I'm experiencing pain and discomfort just from describing this scenario. So let's move on to the big question: How can we fix this, safely and naturally?

Natural Remedies for a Ruptured Penis

In most cases, we can repair the majority of the damage caused by a serious penile rupture, but sometimes we need to give nature a helping hand. It's not always enough to simply “walk it off,” to so speak. That's where restorative herbal remedies can become extremely helpful. For instance, herbs like Morinda and Licorice contain natural steroids that rejuvenate the ruptured blood vessels, while Sarsasparilla helps to heal the sensitive tissue. (SEE: Penis Trauma & Injury Herbal Treatment) Additionally, herbs like Maca improve blood flow to the penis, which encourages firmer, harder erections.

Try taking an herbal remedy containing these and similar ingredients, and next time you're tempted to experiment with a sexual position whose name has more than 5 syllables, just say no.

[More Details +]

Views: 171

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 61939

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