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Nervous Breakdown, Insomina, and Over Masturbation

His stressful life and over-masturbation have led to adrenal exhaustion, causing him insomnia, a weak spine, and low semen volume.

Case #: 242


I had a nervous breakdown over a year ago. My coping mechanism was watching porn & masturbation, despite being physically and mentally weak. Usually after a strong session of sex or masturbation, I would not sleep until a few days after. Now, my sleep is terrible and my spine continues to hurt. What should I do?


You are suffering the effects of an overwhelming stress response, caused probably by many things in your life and exacerbated by over-masturbation

Over-masturbating has damaged your sexual function. Excessive sexual activity and over-ejaculation lead to the overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. The result can cause weak erections or lead to premature ejaculations.

When you engage in too much sex, masturbation, pornography viewing, sexual fantasy, and orgasms, the body overproduces androgen hormones, which exhaust the sex organs and release excessive dopamine levels. Dopamine, a precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), overproduces epinephrine and places the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress. Meanwhile, norepinephrine, synthesized from dopamine, release from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol. The hormone prostaglandin E-2, which serves an important function in sexual arousal, is overproduced as well and causes sexual dysfunction, such as impotence and premature ejaculation.

Over masturbation depletes the body of melatonin, a necessary chemical needed for sleep. When you constantly masturbate, the melatonin levels cannot be recovered enough to provide you with adequate sleep. You must refrain from masturbating as often and take Sleep Deprivation Herbal Remedy with SAM-e.

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Views: 171

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59049

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