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Perplexed By Pooped-Out Penis

He succumbed to the siren song of “get a bigger penis”, and chose to use stretching techniques. Unfortunately, his penis has lost its strength and will no longer sustain an erection. What went wrong? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!
Case #: 1571

I was looking for an easy way to enlarge my penis and that is when I started to practice stretching techniques for about a month. I did see some results, but these were not positive results, they were negative because instead of my penis being bigger and having harder erections, it became limp. No longer to be able to hold an erection. Do you think it is possible that I have damaged my penis due to these stretching exercies?

Entering the phrase “penis enlargement” into the Google search-engine gets more than two million hits. You don't even need to get in touch with a sufficiently adventurous anthropologist to get documented proof that men have been trying to bulk their penises up for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the tools and techniques developed in pursuit of this goal are dismal failures at best, and many of them result in additional damage (and the loss of length and erection strength... horrors!) with only a little miscalculation on the user's part.
Erection Education

Despite being called a man's “third leg” by some wags, the human penis has no actual bones inside it, and the only muscles closely associated with it have nothing to do with making the erection physically move. They are tasked with maintaining the hydraulic pressure of blood held inside the left and right corpus cavernosum and the corpus spongiosum, the three organs that actually form the “solid” part of the human erection. What keeps the penis pointing forward or otherwise keeps it from dangling downward whether erect or flaccid is the suspensory ligament. For those of you who have forgotten basic anatomy terminology, a ligament is the stuff that connects bones to bones; though in this case it connects a bone to your boner.
Stretching The Truth Shrinks Your Penis

The problem with virtually all penis-stretching exercises is that they do not incorporate the male body's natural procedures for getting erections in the first place. Using a vacuum pump to suck additional blood into the penis will result in a temporary increase in size, followed by a period of near-impotence; after that, the internal damage will usually result in penis shrinkage. Unless you incorporate the “secret ingredient”, any other tool or technique you use for this purpose will have the same result.
Proper Penis Propitiation Procedure

Erections are established and controlled by hormones. Prostaglandin E-2 will dilate your blood vessels, making it easier for more blood to get into the corpus cavernosa and spongiosum and boosting your erections. Prostaglandins E-1 and E-3 will help your penis recover from the effects of prostaglandin E-2. Testosterone will help your penis-tissues build themselves back up, and so on.
To undo the damage you've done to your penis, you will need to go without ejaculations for about three weeks; that also includes not doing any penis exercises. If you just can't go that long, try to limit yourself to one ejaculation every three or four days. During that time, check your diet and see if you can increase the amount of zinc and B-vitamins you consume. Properly-prepared seafood, especially oysters, can provide a lot of both nutrients. Certain red meats and toasted wheat-germ are good alternative sources of zinc, while whole-grains and certain dairy products can give you most of the B-vitamins. Do your own research and experiment with different foods; you may just find some new favorites, or even a talent for cooking.
A moderate exercise program will also help you boost your natural testosterone levels; as I mentioned earlier, testosterone will help your body tissues recover from damage. Consult with your health-care provider to get a more personalized recommendation for diet and exercise, and to check your progress.
Last but far from least, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement. It's designed to assist your body, especially your penis, in recovering from injuries. (SEE: Penile Damage Repair & Injury Relief) It works mostly by improving blood flow throughout your body, but also in re-balancing your hormone levels to enhance your physical recovery process.
Your penis can recover, if you respect how it actually works and the limits of your own healing abilities. Take your time, be patient, and the results will appear in due course. Good luck!

What to do

Penile Injury & Nerve Damage Repair For Penis Numbness

Penis numbness, inhibited ejaculation, and delayed orgasm disorder are often caused by penile nerve ending damage. If you suffer from penile pain, numbness or burising, try this solution.

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Views: 197

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60288

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