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Hyperthyroid Causes PE?

Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism causes weak erection and premature ejaculation.

Case #: 343


I went to the doctor’s recently, and he measured my thyroid levels. Please note, I do suffer from premature ejaculations and weak erections. Here are the results:

Cortisol Morning (saliva) 8.6 Ok ng/ml 3.7-9.5

Cortisol Noon (saliva) 1.0 L ng/ml 1.2-3.0

Cortisol Evening (saliva) 1.9 Ok ng/ml 0.6-1.9

Cortisol Night (salvia) .6 ng/ml .4 - 1.0

Thyroglobulin antibodies 204 iU/mL <20

Thyroid Peroxidase antis >1000 iU/mL <35

DHEA-S 306 mcg/dl 110-510

FSH 6.9 miu/mL (1.6 - 8.0)

LH 4.4 miu/mL (1.5 - 9.3)

E2 33 pg/ml ( 13 - 54)

Cortisol AM 16.4 mcg/dl ( 4 - 22)

SHBG 32 nmol/L (7 - 44)

T3, FREE 338 pg/dl (230-420)

T4, FREE 1.3 ng/dl (.8 - 827)

TSH, 3rd Generation .03 miu/L (.4 - 4.5)

Prolactin 8.1 ng/mL (2.0 - 18.0)

Total Test. 767 ng/dl ( 240 - 827)

Estradiol, Ultrasensitive (LC/MS/MS) 18 pg/ml < OR - 29

DHT 85 ng/dl (25-75)


Every man prematurely ejaculates, from novices to adult film starts. Do not feel bad if you ejaculate earlier than expected—it happens. Now, if you ejaculate prematurely in every sexual encounter, then you may have a problem. Please be aware, hyperthyroidism may be one cause for your issue. Poor diet, anxiety, over masturbation and medications can weaken your ejaculatory valve leading to premature ejaculation.

What The Tests Show

After reviewing your test results, it appears that your Cortisol Morning (saliva) and Cortisol Evening (saliva) show high levels of anxiety due to an excessive adrenal medulla function. In addition, your TSH (0.03 mIU/L) is too low (normal range is 0.4 - 4.5 mIU/L) while your T4 is too high. Normally, if there is a low level of thyroid hormone in the body, the pituitary will increase production of TSH to stimulate the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone. Therefore your low TSH indicates that you may be suffering from hyperthyroidism.

The Science of an Ejaculation

When you ejaculate, the body releases essential hormones, from androgen hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, that control male sexual characteristics to inflammatory hormones, such as prostaglandin E-2 that relax muscles. When you ejaculate too much or when hormone levels remain imbalanced (often due to hyperthyroidism), the body cannot reduce the levels of DHT, a hormone that when reduced, inflames your prostate and depletes Acetylcholine, a neurotrasmitter critical for controling and ejaculation.

What The Tests Say

High TSH and low T4 levels cause a deficiency of testosterone and DHT. When combined with excessive prostaglandin E-2, the body will be unable to maintain a firm erection. Since your problems stem from a hormone imbalance, you may need to use all-natural remedies to help balance your thyroid hormone production and restore the health of ejaculatory nerves for better ejaculation control.

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Views: 162

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59008

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