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Regrown One Thing, Wants To Regrow Another

A grateful fan of shared his success with restoring his erections to his desired length. Now, he asks for help with something more difficult: his masturbation habit has started costing him his hair. Can Herballove meet the challenge? Read on, get the facts and see!

Case #: 1452


I am glad there are generous and helpful people like the ones in this site. I wish you the best for this website and I hope the information keeps growing. I have had great results from the penis ballooning technique after suffering from penis shrinkage because of my masturbation habit. I went from 4 inches to 6 inches. I am really happy about my growth. I am only 24 years old and going through all this was hard. I have one problem now, I want to know how to regrow my hair. It has made me start balding and I am too young to bald. Please help me.


Most guys don't care about human hair's tensile strength or the differences between hair types. Their only concern is having a thick crop of hair from front to back, as a display of health and sexual virility. So why do some guys with a rich sex life start to lose it?

At The Roots Of The Matter

Like other parts of your body, hormones keep your hair follicles functioning properly. The problem is that too much sex or masturbation can produce hormonal imbalances that will lead to significant long-term health problems. Three of the most important hormones that affect your hair growth are testosterone, DHT ("dihydrotestosterone") and HGH (human growth hormone). An adequate supply of testosterone helps fuel your erections (along with maintaining proper bone growth); a small portion of it gets converted into DHT for various things, and HGH assists your soft tissues in recovering from injuries of every scale.

Over-masturbation can reduce your testosterone levels by converting too much of it into DHT, excessive levels of which attacks your hair follicles and constricts the nutrient-providing blood vessels. Insufficient HGH prevents new hair follicles from growing to replace the dead ones.

Fallow No More

Restoring your hair can be helped by going on an ejaculation-fast: none for about three weeks, then limiting them to no more than once every two or three days.

You may also want to try regular scalp-massages, with or without a salicylic-acid-skin cleanser, to help improve the blood circulation in your skin. But to really bring your hair back, you should consider using an all-natural herbal supplement, designed to help re-balance your hormones, further restore your blood circulation and even boost production of certain mood-affecting neurotransmitters, making it easier to get your masturbation under control. (TRY: Natural Herbal Formula for Hair Loss Problems)

Remember that losing your hair took a long time, and recovering it will take some time and concerted effort. Reduce your stress levels, trust your body's recuperative powers and the process, and you will see results soon.

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Views: 149

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 60941

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