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Good Luck with That Little Thing–Penis Shrinkage and Embarrassment

A gentleman writes in who seems desperate to solve his very painful prostate issues.Is the solution simple?Read on...



I was in the restroom about 2 hours ago and I was masturbating as usual.I have been masturbating for many years now and this morning I decided to try something new that I had read somewhere.I read that by stretching your penis shaft it will lengthen the penis size and I wanted an increase so I tried it.Everything felt normal when I was doing it but then soon after I started to feel a slight pain.I masturbated again soon after in the shower and I started to notice a huge decrease in size.I also felt like I had lost sensation to my penis and there was definitely pain.I don't want this problem to be permanent because I really enjoy my own time.Will there be anything I can do to get my penis size back and get rid of the pain?If I can get a bigger penis,then even better.


Jake had been planning on his little getaway for a while now,and by God he deserved it!He’d been slaving away at his sales job and his boss had rewarded him with a promotion for all of his stress and sweat.He’d always heard that the beaches in Brazil were epic,and a buddy of his had told him that the women were quite something too;and he was a big bootie lover.

He figured that he really wanted to impress the women down there by gaining some penis size,since he believed his member had shrunk down a little bit through too much masturbation,so he started doing some penis exercises after discovering them on some online website.He hadn’t done any research on it;he hadn’t had the time.He had to hurry up because his flight was coming up.

After touching down in Brazil,he found himself sitting on a beautiful beach with a girl from Ipanema,and they were engaging in a great conversation.As the afternoon turned to evening the tone of their interactions turned to light,and then heavy flirting.At a certain point,she mentioned that she lived within walking distance of the beach,and looking at her big rear end,Jake became excited at the prospect of getting it on in a little bit.

While trying to nervously gulp down his fifth Pina Colada,he spilled some of it on his shorts.As he moved slightly,his sexual prospect looked down and her eyes bulged.They zeroed in like a missile lock on his crotch region.Her light brown face turned pale and she quickly excused herself,saying she had to go to the bathroom.Jake looked down and noticed that his shorts had settled at an angle which revealed his shrunken,pale penis.It resembled some sort of shriveled white slug.Needless to say,the girl never returned.


Sound like a vacation from hell?Well,for many men in your predicament it can seem like a permanent one.The reason that men suffer from penile size issues when engaging in chronic masturbation is that plaque and scar tissue can accumulate and inhibit the flow of blood to the penile blood chambers which normally fill up upon arousal.

If you’re also trying out some risky,un-researched penile exercises on top of that,you can be tearing you penile tissues and damaging nerves as well.This not only accounts for that feeling(or lack thereof)of numbness,but also gradual shrinkage.So how do you repair things?

This Ain’t No Cartoon!

You may be interested in taking a powerful herbal remedy for this problem.(TRY:Natural Herbal Lotions for Penile Tissue Reinforcement&Recovery)The special,all-natural properties within these compounds such as Aloe,Tribulus,and Gingko,can penetrate deep into your penis.They seep down through and beyond your fatty subcutaneous layers and assist in not only penile cell regeneration,but also providing growth factors for your interconnected blood chambers,lengthening them.Additionally,they also help to dissolve plaque and scar tissue build-up.

So make sure that all of your vacations are sunny ones,filled with sweat-drenched,buck-nasty sexual escapades instead of embarrassment!

[More Details +]

Views: 168

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 59078

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