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Like Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, She’s Put Him into an Impossible Predicament: No Sex Until He Stops His Premature Ejaculation

He’s in one of the worst predicaments a man can find himself in: his girlfriend is withholding sex. This isn’t a punishment – it’s because she’s tired of dealing with his premature ejaculation. She expects sexual fulfillment only to be disappointed. Now, he’s forced to find a solution for his condition.
Case #:1901

You have to help me. My girlfriend has cut me off from sex – she says she doesn’t want to get all worked up and excited just so I can come in two minutes. She’s right, I do come quickly. I can’t help myself. When we make love, the feeling is too much, and I shoot my load without even trying. But now that she’s put the stop on our sex life, the strain on our relationship might be too much. What do I do?

Most men would agree women are in control when it comes to sex. Even so, you’re right when you say your girlfriend’s choice to withhold will place a strain on your relationship soon to be felt. A healthy romance is like a stool that rests on three legs: trust, respect and sex. Right now, you’re balancing on just two of those legs. It won’t be long before you topple to the ground.
A Few PE Details

Before you improve your relationship, you need to examine your premature ejaculation (PE). This is the term widely accepted for early ejaculation, in which a man orgasms before sex can be mutually fulfilling. A man himself – or his partner – determines when he has PE because this is not a condition with clinical measures. Five minutes in the sack might be too short for some and just right for others. PE is therefore based on personal standards.
PE has been cited as the most common sexual problem for men. Approximately 30 percent of men worldwide grapple with the condition. The number one component in PE is sexual dissatisfaction, followed by an inability to control ejaculation.
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of PE from other medical conditions is the way in which it’s perceived. While men may be aware they have a problem, they don’t normally think of PE as an issue that can be solved. They forego finding a solution and instead try to mentally restrain their orgasms. But, as you’re about to see, this only creates more problems.
Stop Thinking and Start Doing

On May 21, 2014, Time magazine revealed the most troubling aspect of PE for women. It’s not the lack of sexual satisfaction, although with time that does become frustrating. No, the real issue is that men become so focused on not coming, they forget all about the women to whom they’re making love. Sex then becomes an individual experience rather than one of shared pleasure.
The psychological damage PE renders can devastate a relationship. As the woman simmers in silent frustration, the man continues to focus his attention on lasting longer in bed. The result? Two people who are about as emotionally distant as two planets in the solar system.
Women generally want men to remember there’s more to sex than penetration and orgasm. They need to be kissed and cuddled, hugged and fondled. Lovemaking requires touch – lots of it. We suggest you take your mind off your penis and focus on your lover. Her pleasure will become your pleasure.
Go the Distance

Now that you know your girl needs some attention, you can start to think about PE. You have a variety of options from which to choose to help you stay harder longer. Before you settle on a solution, we would like to make a recommendation: stamina balm. (TRY: Creams for Premature Ejaculation Prevention) It works almost immediately so you don’t have to worry about early application. Equally beneficial, you can ask your girl to apply the balm for you. Have her rub it in with her hands for a mutually sensual experience.
But don’t think of stamina balm as a novelty item. Available as cream, gel, spray, or lubricant, this solution provides maximum pleasure by slightly numbing your sensory nerves. You’ll still feel your girlfriend and still revel in making love, but you won’t have that uncontrollable urge to come before you’ve even had a chance to enjoy sex. It’s a win-win for both you and your lover.

What to do

Premature Ejaculation Cream Guide - Improved Stamina & Lasting Longer for Men of All Ages

Think of the

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Views: 181

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 58578

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