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A Serious Problem with Self-Pleasure: His Sexual Health and Marriage Are in Trouble Because He Can’t Stop Masturbating

His love of masturbation has landed him in hot water before – he’s been caught repeatedly since his teen years. Now it’s created a wedge in his six-month old marriage; he can’t get completely hard for sex because of over-masturbation. He doesn’t even enjoy sex the way he once did because his penis is desensitized. His plea for help is one to save his marriage and improve his sexual stamina.
Case #: 2050

My mom caught me masturbating when I was a teen. My roommate caught me masturbating when I was in college. My girlfriend caught me masturbating when I was 25. Now my wife has caught me, and I’ve only been married six months. She thinks this was an isolated occurrence because I don’t have the heart to tell her I’m addicted. I might be able to speak honestly with her if not for a problem I recently started having. I don’t get very hard for sex these days. I’m even a little soft when I masturbate. I’m equally alarmed by the fact that sex doesn’t feel as good as it used to. I think I’ve desensitized myself. I know I need help, and that’s why I’m writing. I’m afraid I’ll soon lose my erections altogether.

Almost everybody masturbates. Males and females alike use self-pleasure to relieve sexual tension, learn their bodies and feel good. For many, masturbation is completely harmless and supplements sex with partners or spouses.
But some become addicted to masturbation, at which point it interferes with relationships and routine activities. This addiction stems from the release of dopamine that accompanies orgasm. A slew of other chemicals also gets released to change the body’s functions and throw it completely off balance.
A Flood in the Body

Have you ever wondered why an orgasm feels so delicious? Yes, the answer lies partly in stimulation of nerves. But that’s only half the story. Those nerves act as messengers to the brain, where the release of chemicals produces different sensations in the body. Dopamine, as discussed earlier, gives a rush of reward. Oxytocin makes you feel connected to your partner, so in other words it ignites love. Serotonin grants feelings of happiness and calm.
These are only a few of the chemicals unleashed by orgasm. The result is a flood, if you will, that sends you into a dreamy, satiated state of bliss. But this release isn’t without consequences. For example, as serotonin goes up, testosterone does as well. As serotonin drops, testosterone does the same.
Other chemicals create a similar seesaw effect that, in moderation, doesn’t drastically affect the body. But over time, the constant onslaught causes a condition known as sexual exhaustion. This refers to the body’s inability to deal with repeated hormonal fluctuations. Systems stop functioning properly. Testosterone becomes imbalanced and causes erection problems. Even desire can wane. In the end, you’re left with nothing but a half-hearted erection and semi-gratifying sex.
Touch Doesn’t Feel the Same

Masturbation impacts more than chemicals. As you repeatedly touch yourself, you stimulate the same nerves and over and over again. Before we go further, we need to tell you the body is made for sexual pleasure. If it wasn’t, intercourse and masturbation wouldn’t yield the feelings it does. But the body operates best on a system of moderation.
Having said that, we can continue by saying excessive masturbation desensitizes the nerves in your penis. People routinely debate this fact, but it’s the simple truth. Some men can withstand more stimulation than others because each body is created differently. But masturbation in excess of twice a day, combined with regular sex, really is too much.
Let us explain. If you repeatedly rub the same area on your leg, the nerves start to go numb. While very different from other parts of the body, the penis responds similarly. Stimulating it with repeated touches, rubs and pulls to reach orgasm kills the nerves. Sex doesn’t feel the same because your nerves are no longer the same. They’re damaged, and you need to give yourself a break right now.
In Need of Rescue

Imbalanced hormones, lost sensitivity, chemical overload, and sexual fatigue. These sound like problems that cannot be resolved, but you haven’t yet tried Mucuna Pruiens. Native to Africa and Asia, this herb stimulates nerve regeneration for heightened sensitivity. (SEE: Mucuna Pruiens for Improved Penile Sensation & Erection Boost) Mucuna Pruiens also stabilizes hormones so testosterone levels are where they need to be. Testosterone is the driving force behind hard, long-lasting erections.
When taken as a botanical blend, Mucuna Pruiens restores your sexual stamina. You no longer have to worry about your performance in bed because Mucuna Pruiens optimizes sexual health. Select the blend most ideally suited to your needs and enjoy a natural difference.

What to do

Improving Penile Stimulation with Mucuna Pruiens

Jose spent years abusively masturbating. He masturbated before breakfast.

[More Details +]

Views: 173

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 59583

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