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When a Venous Leak Makes Your Penis Weak

Her boyfriend was experiencing a painful penis leak that made his erections almost non-existent. See what can be done about this all-too-common scourge.

Case #: 1553


My boyfriend is 26 and when he went to the doctor he was told that he has a venous leak. He can hold his erections when he's on his back or uses a penis ring but if he is doing anything else he can't hold his erection for a long time. The doctor also prescribed him with erectile drugs but those just make him sick. What are some alternatives that can help him with keeping an erection?


A venous leak is no laughing matter. Trying to hold an erection with a venous link is trying to blow up a balloon that has a small hole in it. No matter how hard you try, you're just left with a limp balloon and a very red face. If you've tried blowing up that balloon yourself, you probably already know what I'm talking about.

As serious as it sounds, though, there is good news. Venous leaks can be treated naturally and effectively, without the need for any painful or invasive surgeries. Of course, that good news may seem to benefit him more than you, but in the long run, it will leave you both smiling.

The Science Behind Venous Leaks

There are some leaks you just don't want to deal with. To sum it up for you, your boyfriend's endocrine function is struggling to produce the necessary testosterone burst for healthy sexual function, and the leak is making it excessively difficult—if not impossible—for him to maintain a healthy production of the neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide (NO) and the erectile dilator cGMP, both of which are essential to a healthy erection.

So not only do we need to treat the damage, but we need to increase production of these important neurotransmitters and hormones.

If You Do Nothing Else

Okay, first and foremost, you need to get your boyfriend off the erectile dysfunction drugs if you haven't done so already. You already know how ineffective they are, and in fact, using ED drugs for a venous leak is a lot like smoking to lose weight.

You might notice some superficial results in the beginning, but the habit will destroy your body in 50 other ways (granted, smoking will also make you look very, very cool, but I digress). So toss the pills in the trash, and opt for a safer herbal option that offers all the benefits with none of the side effects.

The Better Solution

It's time to add some herbs to your vocabulary. Tribulus increases testosterone, Tongkat Ali increases Nitric Oxide, and Lycium strengthens the penile nerves to stop the venous leak in its tracks. These herbs won't necessarily work overnight, but a botanical remedy with these and similar ingredients will give your best shot of beating this problem quickly and naturally. (TRY: Natural Solution for Aging Penile Nerve & Venous Leak Relief)

If that doesn't work, try soaking your boyfriend's penis in water and sticking it in the freezer for 20 minutes before having sex. You'll feel like you're making love to an Otter Pop, but his penis will definitely feel harder (okay, don't do that).

What to do

Incredible Anti-Aging Solution for Penile Nerves & Venous Leak

This formula can help to restore erections to their healthy state for those suffered from venous leak problems.

[More Details +]

Views: 193

Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60672

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