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Penile Exercises Cause More Harm Than Good

He is suffering from bending and insufficient blood flow to his penis as a result of dangerous penile exercises.

Case #: 264


My penis cannot fill the corpora cavernosa with blood, a problem that causes a slight curve to my penis. Could penis exercise be the cause?


Penile exercises are not effective methods of enlarging your penis. Penile exercises can damage or distort the nervous cells, fibers and synapses in the corpora. When too much strain is placed on the penis, scar tissue may form resulting in curvature. When the penis regains its erectile capacity -- after the nerves repair themselves -- the erection may never be as hard as it was.

The scar tissue and curvature may be caused by Peyronie's Disease, characterized by a hard, fibrous layer of scar tissue (plaque) developing under the skin on the upper or lower side of the penis. When the penis is erect, the scar tissue pulls the affected area off at an angle, causing a curved penis. The plaque that is formed by thickened layers of soft tissue in the penis is non-cancerous, but this condition can cause pain and make sexual intercourse difficult.

Treatments of Peyronie's Disease involve surgical and non-surgical approaches. Surgery is generally effective at restoring normal erections, although each surgical method can cause unwelcome side effects such as partial loss of erection or shortening of an erect penis. Instead, you could try an Herbal Remedy for Penile Fibrotic Tissue Damage and Curvature to help heal and remove the scar tissue surrounding the penis.

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Views: 167

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, Peyronie's Disease

Blog ID: 59247

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