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She’s Missing Something...

His lady friend is complaining of low sex drive at fifty-two years old and post-hysterectomy. She has also previously had problems with vaginal dryness, but has solved that issue through the use of herbs. Is the cause of her low sex drive due to her hysterectomy? What can be done about it?
Case #: 1544

I have a lady friend whom I use for those types of pleasures and she told me that she had a hysterectomy. Because of that, she tells me that she has a low sex drive. She doesn't like to take prescription drugs, but she has taken care of one of her older problems, vaginal dryness, with an herbal remedy; she uses Mexican Wild Yam. She is 52 years old and very healthy. What can be the cause behind the low sex drive? Is it the hysterectomy, as she says? Please help me understand the problem a little more; I want to get her sex drive up so we can go on with our business on a daily basis.

By fifty-two, it’s highly likely that your friend would be experiencing problems with sex drive and vaginal dryness, with or without a hysterectomy. Many women of pre-menopausal age go through an early menopause at the time of the removal of their reproductive organs, but at your friend’s age, the symptoms you are describing are normal for most women.
Estrogen’s Presence

I’m glad that you were able to restore your friend’s vaginal lubrication! That is surely one of the bears of menopause: a thin, delicate vagina without any moisture to keep things from stretching and tearing. The reason Mexican Wild Yam is able to help in this way is due to the phytoestrogens found in the plants. These estrogen imitators are surely doing wonders for her entire feminine system, as estrogen is needed for a healthy sexuality throughout a woman’s life.
Why Would a Female Need Testosterone?

Now, you need to increase her testosterone levels. The desire for sex stems from testosterone’s presence in the female body. We don’t need a lot, but we do need a small amount to keep our muscles toned, to help us burn fat, and to give us a functioning sex drive. Without testosterone, women might enjoy sex, but they won’t feel a desire for it, and their arousal response will be diminished.
Testosterone and progesterone are both formed from cholesterol; however, progesterone is formed in the ovaries and testosterone in the adrenal glands. Occasionally, during menopause, a woman might have an increased sex drive, due to the decrease of feminine hormones in her system. This is why some women claim to want and enjoy sex more after menopause. In your lady friend’s instance, the best thing to do is to increase testosterone, but not so much that it overpowers her reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone.
Suggestions for Success

I would recommend trying a testosterone cream. These contain low doses of testosterone, and can be applied directly to the genital region, which, as a mucous membrane, ensures rapid uptake. This small amount of testosterone will have a big effect on your woman’s libido, without causing negative side effects such as excess hair growth.
I also suggest beginning an herbal formula designed to restore health to the female reproductive area. (TRY: Natural Herbal Formula for Menopausal Revival) It contains herbs that feature androgenic properties, such as Epimedium, or Horny Goat Weed, which means they can be used by the body as a source of testosterone. Maca as well has been proven to be a powerful aphrodisiac. It will also increase her vaginal and clitoral sensitivity. I’m sure that by increasing testosterone levels just a bit, your female friend will soon be ready for more action!

What to do

Young Again - Revive Passion for Menopausal Women

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause cause female sex hormones that control libido to fluctuate at different times. In fact, the balance of estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, testosterone, and DHEA becomes altered the most during peri-menopause...

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Views: 170

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Menopause, Vaginal Dryness

Blog ID: 58747

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