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My Tipped Uterus Is Preventing My Orgasms

Learn of a man in seek of answers to better his chances of giving his wife a mind blowing orgasm.

Case #: 894


My twenty-eight year old wife has a tilted uterus. I am, and have been her only sexual partner. My problem is that we have great love making sessions, but she can never achieve orgasm, clitoral or vaginal stimulation has no effect. She states that it feels good and I can see it in her response and aggressiveness, but to no avail can I get her to orgasm. Please help.


The female orgasm is probably one of the most elusive things on this green Earth. Women are just not the same as men. It takes a little more time to really get our engines purring, but when we're warmed up and ready to go, look out! One of the biggest troubles I seem to have with having an orgasm is actually calming down my brain long enough to fully enjoy the moment. I'm sure this happens for a lot of other women out there, based on the simple fact that women are notorious for multitasking.

The Art Of Female Orgasm

Unfortunately, this turns into one of our biggest flaws during sexual intercourse. If a woman has a lot on her mind, she won't be able to completely let go and be in the moment during an intercourse session.

Because your wife has a tipped uterus, that's an added concern that she may be preoccupied with during sex. It's important for her to understand that this is in no way her fault, and she shouldn't feel disappointed in herself because of it.

The Herbal Fix

If you feel that your wife just isn't getting the proper amount of vaginal stimulation needed to achieve orgasm, I would highly recommend utilizing herbs such as Evening Prim Rose, Black Cohosh, and Dong Quia. Natural herbs such as these will help to restore the vagina by increasing production of DHEA. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Tipped Uterus) DHEA is a hormone that the body naturally creates by way of the adrenal gland.

This will help to improve the sensitivity of both the G-spot, and the clitoris. These herbs may also decrease the levels of testosterone and dopamine running throughout the brain, which will greatly improve the intensity of an orgasm.

Getting Up And On

Once your wife has established a healthy cycle of herbs, she may be interested in trying an old faithful trick of the trade. The one sure fire way for a woman to achieve orgasm is to have her run the show, so to speak. The amount of women that are able to achieve orgasm strictly through clitoral stimulation heavily out-weigh the ones that can through penetration.

The best way to stimulate the clitoris during sexual intercourse is to have your wife position herself on top of you, and let her pick the pace to which she slowly grinds her clitoris on your pelvic bone. This will give her the proper amount of stimulation needed to achieve a mind blowing orgasm.

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Views: 146

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59223

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