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Too Tired To Click The Orgasm Button

Are you experiencing flu-like symptoms to the point of exhaustion? It might not be the sickness that is in the air.

Case #: 1790


What causes a headache with orgasm? What supplements would help?


When I was in my teen years, I masturbated a lot. I'm sure we all did once puberty hit, and that's okay. With all of those crazy new hormones flying around, I would find it almost impossible to not click the button multiple times a week. It's just a natural part of life that we all go through. However, there is such a notion as too much of a good thing. Unfortunately, it is possible to masturbated yourself into a whole.

How Much Is Too Much

Again, a regular exploration of your own body is a perfectly normal practice, but once you enter the realm of masturbating multiple times a day, you run the risk of entering the danger zone. It has been discovered that women in their adolescent years who masturbate more than once a day, may cause a chronic fatigue or soreness for themselves.

It Has A Name

This type of fatigue is referred to as mitochondria fatigue. It is a specialized type of exhaustion that is caused by abusive masturbation that is practiced before puberty hits. The exhaustion that mitochondria bring on closely resembles the common cold or flu. The illness will start off pretty unnoticeable, but gradually get worse until the symptoms become so severe that they literally debilitate you.

You can usually judge the severity of your mitochondria by the intensity level of your symptoms. Some women will experience a fatigue or tiredness after orgasm or ejaculation. Others might experience a moody, irritable mood if they have not masturbated that day. The moodiness and fatigue symptoms are usually caused by the descending function in mitochondria.

What Is Mitochondria

Mitochondria are tiny organs that live inside each cell. They produce chemical energy within the body. They are categorized as fuel cells. The women who suffer from any type of sexual exhaustion actually have mitochondria that are aging. Aged mitochondria are obviously less efficient in their conversions of fuel to energy.

How To Fix It

Luckily, this type of sexual exhaustion is treatable by utilizing natural herbal remedies that include ingredients such as Milk Thistle, Fo Ti, Tumeric Root, Panax Ginseng, and Korean Ginseng. (TRY: Mitochondira Natural Energy Boosting Formula) These herbs will help to aid the liver in the detoxification process. They will also reduce any harmful inflammation and repair the damaged mitochondria.

I would also suggest withholding masturbation pleasure from yourself for a few weeks, if you're still in the thick of it. This little break will give your body the proper amount of rest that is needed to heal.

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Views: 151

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion

Blog ID: 60521

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