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Residue side effects from Ibuprofen overdose might be the cause of her orgasm pain

Past overdose of Ibuprofen and salicylate caused gaps to form in the folds of her brain. She suffered from sudden pain during orgasm and abnormal vaginal discharges.

Case #: 45060


My girlfriend suddenly experienced a strong pain during orgasm. The pain last a while even after the intercourse. She told me that since that incident she had bits of white vaginal discharges and occasionally those discharges are in small brownish streaks. She thinks her body is telling her to avoid sex, even though we are not engaged in frequent intercourse. I believe this fear is possibly caused by her conservative family up brings. Actually, we don't do it more than twice a week, usually not even once a week due to not being able to see each other that often. I am a gentle type of person that would not engage rape style sex. So I don’t think there is vaginal abrasion or clitoris damage involved. I do notice in the past that more orgasms happened during her menstrual cycle and the period before her next period arrives. Her pain is more around her clitoris and the opening, rather than deep inside. She is pretty healthy now, but in the past she was overdosed with Ibuprofen and salicylate that her doctor said it caused little gaps to form in the folds of her brain. She has not taken those painkillers anymore, but I have a hunch it may contribute to her pain.


Dysorgasmia (orgasm pain) may be triggered and experienced as pain caused by penetration before or during orgasm. The pain may last anything from a few minutes to a few hours, making any further sexual enjoyment almost impossible. If left untreated, these painful experience would become a mental nightmare resulted in fear of intimacy.

Most doctors would agree that orgasm pains are induced by change of hormone level or nervous system dysfunctions. Many women have reported that the orgasm pain can be selective, which mean the pain can happened with certain partners or just under certain circumstances, new pain after previously pain-free intercourse, superficial (entry) pain, deep pain during thrusting, burning pain or aching pain.

Relative high number of women experiencing orgasm pain before menopause have led many doctors believed that orgasm pains are temporary and transitory. Doctors would often prescribe over the counter pain killer as the treatment option. Younger women that experienced orgasm pain quite suddenly conjunction of cramp feeling in the lowest part of the abdomen often associated or confused with menstrual cramps.

There are a number of effective natural treatments for orgasm pain. Many herbs such as Black Cohosh, Maca, Dong Quai are known to balance female essential hormones can relieve involuntary vaginal reflex and alleviates the orgasm pain. Aloe vera is helpful for infections and is known for its healing effects. It can be applied topically to relieve itching or taken internally or used in a douche.

Good hygiene can help alleviate symptoms of orgasm pain. Avoid scented bath products, such as body washes and shower gels, as they can irritate your genital area and zap your natural lubrication. Douche with infusions made from antiseptic herbs such as calendula, garlic, goldenseal, fresh plantain, St. John's wort, or tea tree oil, along with herbs such as comfrey leaves to soothe irritation.

If you are taking birth control pills or using any hormone-based contraceptives, should consider natural methods of birth control. Hormone-based birth control emulates a pregnancy state by flooding the brain with excessive progesterone and estrogen, so that your brain will think you are pregnant and then shut down your ovarian function. This results in excessive progesterone or estrogen in the uterus and cervix, causing involuntary contractions or cramps.

If there is excessive progesterone in the bloodstream, the vagina becomes too dry, numb, discharges very heavily, or develops a yeast infection. It may also lead to intercourse pains, due to a lack of the anti-inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-1 and excessive amounts of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2.

The artificial birth control hormones Progestin and Conjugated Estrogen can cause spotting from the uterine lining. When the spotting blood is oxidized, the resulting vaginal discharge becomes dark black or brown (similar to what your girlfriend is experiencing), depending on the quantity of the spotting blood and the duration it was trapped inside.

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Views: 144

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 62420

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