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Admitting to a Wrong: Her Self-Confessed Over-Masturbation Now Prevents Her from Reaching Orgasm

She doesn’t deny that she over-masturbates. Just the opposite: she admits it and now suffers from vaginal dryness. Coupled with nerve desensitization, this condition is preventing her from reaching orgasm during sex.

Case #: 1263


I have been over-masturbating for the last five years, and I am now unable to achieve an orgasm during sex or with the vibrator. I also have severe vaginal dryness during sex. What should I do about all this?


Lubrication is one of the keys to great sex. Without it, nothing will feel good against your clitoris or vagina – not even masturbation. Severe dryness can even make walking, sitting and standing uncomfortable.

Despite the common affliction of dryness, The New York Times reports that only about 25 percent of all women discuss the problem with a doctor. Many accept their condition as a normal part of being female, but it’s not normal and can be corrected so that sex is again pleasing.

Over-Masturbation and Delicate Tissue

Sexuality is an important part of human identity. It spurs passion and desire, helps create intimate relationships and leads to the most enjoyable physical release: orgasm. Masturbation acts in a similar way but omits interpersonal relationships. It focuses only on self-pleasure, and as a result is less complicated than intercourse.

These factors beg the question is too much of a good thing bad? More specifically, is it possible to over-masturbate and suffer unpleasant side effects? The answer to both questions is yes.

To orgasm, most women require clitoral stimulation. This means that masturbation entails direct contact with the fingers, vibrator or other sex toy on the clit. When touched or rubbed just the right way, the more than 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris send messages to the brain that lead to wave after wave of pleasure.

But those nerve endings are incredibly sensitive. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t bring a woman to orgasm. That sensitivity means they can be easily damaged, as happens with over-masturbation. The process is simple: once you realize you can pleasure yourself easily and quickly during masturbation, you continue to engage. Repeated contact with the clitoris slowly numbs some nerves, so that harder and longer stimulation is soon required. Doing this multiple times per day or once every day desensitizes the nerves completely until you can no longer orgasm.

The Link with Vaginal Dryness

Natural lubrication before sex is a response to desire. The more aroused you are, the more intense your wetness will be. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important for women to engage in foreplay prior to penetrative sex.

Lubrication is equally important to masturbation. It prevents damage to your genitals and enhances the overall experience. But if you go into masturbation or sex without expecting pleasure, you won’t be sufficiently aroused. It’s hard to want sex when you know you can’t reach orgasm. You will therefore remain dry and experience the same negative cycle each time you have sex.

Get Wet Again

If you engage in intercourse while dry, it’s possible you will suffer from abrasions on your vagina. These can be slow-healing and extremely painful once they are formed. Lubrication prevents such damage and also helps you reach orgasm. It moistens your clitoris and G-spot and facilitates stimulation. You thus need to take action before you can hope to again feel sexual pleasure.

Over-the-counter lubricants might restore some wetness, but those are only temporary solutions. You need to rejuvenate your natural wetness, and you can do that with a dryness relief remedy derived from herbs. (SEE: Vaginal Dryness and Sensitivity Boost Formula) Ingredients like Licorice and Wild Yam improve vaginal sensitivity and increase sexual desire. These and other potent herbs will ultimately increase your lubrication to protect your delicate tissues from further damage. They will also make sex – and masturbation – as enjoyable as possible.

[More Details +]

Views: 161

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Dryness

Blog ID: 61522

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