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Fake It Till You Make It

Learn why a woman has resorted to 'faking it' with her orally accomplished husband-to-be.
Case #: 1102

I consider my soon-to-be-husband an oral-star, kind of like an all-star for sex. He can make me squeal at the top of my lungs with a few licks and twists of the tongue. He once made me scream so loud, the neighbors called the police to report a disturbance. But after a few years of his oral-star performance, I no longer orgasm as I once did. No, now, I have to resort to faking an orgasm. What happened to my lover? Did he lose the magic lick or did something happen to me?

While it's very possible that your lover has lost the “magic lick,” the more reasonable explanation for your orgasmic loss is that your vagina has lost some of its sensitivity over time.
No Feeling

Many young women are baffled when this happens to them. They can't understand why, while their vagina's are basically in tip top shape, they still have a hard time achieving orgasm. The truth is loss of sensitivity can occur in a woman of any age for a number of reasons.
Birth Control Blunder

I don't think I've ever met a woman who didn't have an interesting birth control story. The pill has been known to throw a woman's internal biology into total chaos. Women can have multiple experiences while on this contraceptive because it disrupts the natural flow and levels of hormonal regulations. Research tells us that some birth control pills can drastically reduce our estrogen levels. When you consider that the estrogen is what actually helps keep our vaginal tissues healthy, it's easier to understand why this might be a hindrance on our sex lives.
Too Much Of A Good Thing

The use of water jets and vibrators can really put an interesting spin on an ordinary sex life, but utilizing these add-on tools all the time can do some real damage. Too much masturbation or exertion of the sexual function can cause sexual exhaustion. Think about it this way; when you exert certain parts of your body your muscles become fatigued, this is the same outcome for your vagina and clitoris. Over time they can become insensitive to your lovers efforts because of over use.
Medical Malice

If you happen to be on any new prescription drugs, this could also be the key factor behind you having to 'fake it.' Some prescription medication has be proven to interrupt the libido and leave a woman feeling numb down there. If this is the case, I would strongly recommend talking with your doctor about other options of medication.
How To Fix It

Whatever the reason may be, the best way to bring back that sensitivity is to go all natural. Herbs such as Maca and Dong Quia work together to repair damaged nerve endings in the clitoris, while increasing blood circulation as well. (TRY: Clitoral Revitalization Remedy) This will help to open up that road block surrounding those never endings and stimulate your senses in order to achieve orgasm again.

What to do

Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Most modern career-oriented adults sadly discover that as life gets busier, they (and many other couples) indulge in unsatisfying goal-oriented sex. A ‘quickie’ gets the job done. But all this ‘too much’ and ‘too fast’ can numb a woman’s most...

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Views: 210

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59548

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