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Is It Menopause Or Depression

Learn how a menopausal woman believes antidepressants are causing her sexual dysfunction.

Case #: 1101


Thank you so much for providing a knowledgeable website where people can ask questions and relate to others about our sexual needs, desires or dysfunctions.

I am a 50-year-old woman, who has for about three weeks now, experienced a headache after an orgasm. I recently stopped taking antidepressants and was wondering if that would have anything to do with my headaches? Or is it because I am menopausal?

I love sex, but recently, I find that I just lay there. Watching adult movies helps, but not enough to provide the stimulation that I am used to feeling. What’s wrong with me?


First, I'd like to thank you on behave of for supporting us. We're so happy to bring you this vital information and to promote healthy sex lives. Now on to your question!

Not Tonight, Dear

For many years, women used the old-faithful excuse of a headache to get out of sexual exploits with their partners. It wasn't that we had stopped finding our loved ones desirable; we just genuinely had a headache and believed that the exertion of sex would agitate it even more. Coincidentally, a study recently proved that if you have a headache, sex will actually make the pain dissipate.

But what if sex was actually the cause of your headache? An orgasm is supposed to be the cherry on top of intercourse, not the pain. So what could be the cause of this reaction?

Depressed And Menopausal

Clinical depression is a hard nut to crack. I personally suffered from depression for about two and a half years, and it was definitely the hardest experience of my life. I understand those days when it's difficult just to get out of bed. I know how emotionally and physically drained you can feel on a daily basis. And I know how hard it is to claw your way out of that dark pit of despair.

I've found that antidepressant use is always a hit or miss because of the simple fact that we all have brain chemistry that is unique to our own being. Depression is a very mercurial issue; we become depressed for a number of interchangeable reasons. Unless medical scientists come up with individual pills for individual causes of depressions, I would suggest avoiding medications.

All of this considered, I'm sure your depression hasn't helped matters in any way, but I believe that the menopause is the heart of your problems. Some of the main symptoms of menopause are vaginal dryness, headaches and sexual indifference.

Learn how a menopausal woman believes antidepressants are causing her sexual dysfunction.

[More Details +]

Views: 158

Ideas: Women's, Menopause

Blog ID: 61267

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