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No Answers for Her Abundant White Discharge

At 33 years old, she has no logical explanation for her vaginal discharge. It is white in color and has plagued her for two years. Doctors can’t find an answer, and she doesn’t take birth control. She wonders if the discharge is caused by menopause, although she feels too young to be in her “change of life.” What could possibly be behind her baffling symptom?
Case #: 1510

These past two years have been really tough on me. I have been getting an abundant white discharge that lasts through most of my cycle. I have been to many doctors who all say I am perfectly fine. I have read other case studies that say the discharge could be from high levels of progesterone, but I am not on the pill. How can I get my hormones to balance again? I feel really embarrassed when this happens, although I am extremely happy it has no odor. Could this be the result of menopause? I feel like I am too young for that at 33.

Vaginal discharge tends to embarrass many women. Those who don’t understand it feel they are somehow unclean; after all, the vagina is supposed to be as fresh and perky as a flower. In reality, however, this organ uses discharge to stay clean. It is for this reason that secretions are so important to overall reproductive health.
But not all discharge is healthy. It’s not hard to tell the difference – all you need to do is look at your fluid. The color is the most telling sign: yellow, green or gray discharge suggests an infection. The occurrence of itching, burning, pain, or odor should also alarm you that something may be wrong with your lady parts.
The Relationship between Estrogen and Vaginal Discharge
You already know discharge is a normal function of the vagina. The hormone estrogen helps prompt its release. In fact, estrogen plays a significant role in the vagina’s health – it helps support strong vaginal muscles and also encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria. Those bacteria are especially important because they keep at bay the unhealthy flora that also grows within the vagina. In case you didn’t know, the vagina houses many colonies of bacteria.
While estrogen’s responsibilities to the vagina are numerous, this hormone does not remain constant throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle. It fluctuates before, during and after ovulation, and it’s up and down patterns can be traced with vaginal discharge. For instance, estrogen rises during ovulation and then drops right before menstruation. Discharge similarly increases, plateaus and then decreases just prior to bleeding.
You mentioned you are too young to experience symptoms of menopause, but every woman’s body is different. Some women begin their “change of life” as early as age 45. The most obvious indication of when you will experience menopause is that of your mother’s age when her symptoms started.
Menopause aside, your hormones can become imbalanced at any age, regardless of whether or not you take birth control. The foods you eat, your weight, toxins from the environment, and even stress can influence endocrine function. It is thus possible to suffer progesterone dominance – a condition in which this hormone is more abundant than estrogen - without even realizing it.
Other Factors to Consider

Hormones are not the only causes of vaginal discharge. It can also be the result of bacterial vaginosis – an overgrowth of harmful bacterial – a yeast infection or a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea. These illnesses are often accompanied by other symptoms like those described above.
Given the nature of your discharge, it is likely a response to either hormonal fluctuations or time. You must remember that your body changes with age. What was normal in your 20s may not be normal in your 30s. Having said this, it’s also safe to say you may not have had a hormonal imbalance five years ago but now do – and not necessarily because of menopause, but rather because of changes in your menstrual cycle.
Manage Your Discharge

The subject of hormones demands that we tell you how to safely balance them. Helpful ways to do this include eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly. You can also try herbal remedies, which have long been used by women of all cultures throughout history. (TRY: Natural Pueraria Mirifica for Balancing Hormones)
Herbs provide safe and effective relief from many hormonal problems, including PMS, vaginal dryness and of course vaginal discharge. One of the most beneficial is Pueraria mirifica, which can ease the burden of menstruation and even improve mood. It can also stop unwanted secretions so you no longer have to worry about the state of your vagina.

What to do

Pueraria Mirifica: The Hormone Balancer

During menstruation, a woman starts to experience a dearth in hormone production.

[More Details +]

Views: 173

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 60344

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