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Workplace Success and Stress have Elevated Her Vaginal Discharge to an Uncomfortable Level

She owns her own business, and although she’s successful, she also carries a great deal of stress. Sex is one outlet she uses to alleviate her anxiety, but lately she’s unable to enjoy even that because of excessive vaginal discharge. Stress is the culprit of her condition, but she can regain control with a natural herbal remedy.

Case #: 1342


Running your own business takes skill, patience and steadfast audacity to take chances. I have found success, but I’ve also placed myself under high-stress situations. I try to allay stress by exercising, relaxing and performing stress-reducing activities. I also rely on sex to alleviate the worry and fear that stress causes. But my sex life becomes impeded by a common problem: vaginal discharge.


I notice plenty of vaginal discharge – often, actually. I spoke to professionals and doctors for advice, and no one seems to know why I experience this issue. What’s wrong with me?

Although not always pleasant, vaginal discharge is a normal part of being female. It helps cleanse the vagina and also maintain the correct pH balance. As long as the discharge is clear or milky white, it poses no cause for concern. Discharge that is yellow or green, on the other hand, could signal an infection.

Even women with perfect health experience dramatic changes in vaginal discharge, especially during times of ovulation or sexual arousal. Other factors like vigorous exercise and hormonal birth control also influence the color and texture of discharge. Sometimes this mucus becomes excessive and, as you know, impacts a woman’s lifestyle and even impedes sexual intercourse.

Stress and Your Body

Emotional stress is a significant contributor to excessive vaginal discharge, and it accounts for your current condition. Anxiety about work has disrupted your vagina’s otherwise efficient environment. The vagina may seem to have an autonomous capacity, but it is governed by the brain. Emotions like anger, frustration and worry thus impact its day-to-day operations.

During stress, hormones that accelerate heart rate and breathing flood the brain and prepare you to react either mentally or physically to a given situation. This acceleration sharpens your senses but takes away from other functions, and those not pertinent to the moment shut down. As you probably guessed, sexual functions are among those that come to a screeching halt.

Sexual desire wanes during anxiety, but the crucial female hormones of estrogen and progesterone respond in waves. Fluctuating levels of these chemicals prompt the release of vaginal discharge. As the hormones continue to spiral out of control, the discharge increases in volume until visibly noticeable. You are caught in this response mode wherein discomfort ensues and mounting tension only adds to the problem.

The Stronghold of Stress-Vagina Connections

Many cultures of women experience increased vaginal discharge as a result of stress. What tends to vary are the stress sources. Men in Middle Eastern countries, for instance, often dominate their wives. Some husbands even indulge in extramarital affairs but do not permit their wives to negotiate condom use. The result is psychological anxiety about unsafe sex.

It is clear that your stress comes by way of work. This connection is important because even over-exposure to work can upset the vagina’s environment and create additional discharge. Your situation is thus unique in that you’re faced with a double-edged sword: you work long hours for the success of your business, and you’re stressed because all responsibilities lie on your shoulders.

Manage Stress, Manage Your Body

Keep in mind that some stress is beneficial because it challenges creative thought processes and promotes self-growth. It is therefore important to learn to manage stress rather than fight to eliminate it. Restore balance to your life by organizing yourself and your time. Surround yourself with positive people in a positive environment, and relax with meditation, reading or journaling. In case you need further enticement, these outlets will improve your sex life as well.

An herbal remedy designed to restore hormonal balance will also help with excessive discharge. (SEE: Excessive Vaginal Discharge Restoration Formula) Formulated ingredients like Fenugreek eliminate toxins from your liver so it can process excessive hormones in the body. Black Cohosh and Mexican Wild Yam work directly on the vagina to promote healthy tissue growth and stabilize its environment. With this effective blend, you will again enjoy sex and its stress-relieving properties to the fullest extent.

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Views: 181

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 60386

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