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He’s Trying, but It’s No Use: Orgasm Eludes This Woman with Clitoral Insensitivity

His frustration in the bedroom is mounting. Previous girlfriends have always complimented his sexual techniques, but his current girlfriend can’t reach orgasm. He’s tried everything, and yet his past experiences cannot help her overcome clitoral sensitivity. She needs an herbal formula designed to repair nerve endings and stimulate arousal.
Case #: 1127

I was always given compliments from women about my sexual abilities. I had the endurance. I had the size. Hell, I even had the technique mastered. And when I met my girlfriend, I knew my experience, size and technique would please her. Well, I was wrong. See, it’s not that my endurance or size displease her. Not at all. It’s a problem with her. For some odd reason, not matter what I try, she cannot orgasm. It’s like she’s numb to my skill and technique. What’s going on?

Praise for your sexual prowess can do wonders for the ego. It builds confidence, which in and of itself is sexy, and lends you the courage to experiment in bed. But when those abilities don’t yield the same results on a current partner as they have in the past, your confidence is bound to wane. Frustration also sets in, as you try harder and harder to please her only to repeatedly meet failure.
To set your mind at ease, the problem is your girlfriend, but not in the way you might think. She can’t reach orgasm because of clitoral insensitivity. This condition could be the result of many factors, but together the two of you can determine the cause and help her claim pleasure in the bedroom.
Where Sensitivity Starts

The ability to receive stimulation on any part of your body depends entirely on nerves. In turn, the nerves rely on healthy surrounding tissues that remain supple and maintain healthy blood flow. If one of these elements is missing, the nerves will not be stimulated, and no amount of technique or skill will provide sexual stimulation.
One of the most important factors in maintaining healthy nerves and tissues is estrogen. This hormone maintains blood flow that promotes a healthy environment and also creates a clitoral erection. Most women only achieve orgasm from clitoral stimulation, but the clit must be fully erect for this to happen. Estrogen also increases lubrication in the vagina, another crucial element to sexual arousal.
Factors that Cause Orgasm Difficulty

The inability to reach orgasm is characterized as either primary, in which a woman has never climaxed, or secondary, in which she was once able to but can no longer achieve orgasm. The potential causes of orgasm difficulty are many and include emotional stress, sexual abuse, medications, and weak pelvic floor muscles. Repeated use of sex toys can also temporarily desensitize nerves and impede orgasm.
The only way to know the real cause is to discuss your girlfriend’s orgasm difficulty with her. This conversation might be difficult at first, but showing your concern will help her open up. Also remember this: the tactics you have used on previous lovers may not be sufficient for your current girlfriend. Every female body is different, and your girlfriend might need stimulation that is unlike what you’ve given in the past. So don’t throw in the towel yet; both of you can overcome this with communication and patience.
Enjoy Sex All the Time

You and your girlfriend need to know that focusing only on the outcome of sex, orgasm, takes away from the other pleasures it yields. Intercourse is a time for bonding, and even if orgasm doesn’t occur every time, it can still feel good. If the two of you relax and focus on each other, your girlfriend might shed any inhibitions she has and climax without thinking about it.
Deriving pleasure from sex is a natural and healthy component of any romantic relationship. One way to stimulate arousal and help your girlfriend achieve orgasm is with a natural herbal formula. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Clitoral Rejuvenation) The use of herbs to correct orgasm dysfunction has a long and well-proven history. Specific ingredients like Mexican Wild Yam and Dong Quai can repair damaged nerve endings and improve blood flow to the clitoris and vagina. Horny Goat Weed can also improve arousal so your girlfriend wants sex as much as you do.

What to do

Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Most modern career-oriented adults sadly discover that as life gets busier, they (and many other couples) indulge in unsatisfying goal-oriented sex. A ‘quickie’ gets the job done. But all this ‘too much’ and ‘too fast’ can numb a woman’s most...

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Views: 206

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59248

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