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You'll Know When You Know: Reaching An Orgasm

Are you just not being stimulated enough? Do you worry that you will never experience a real orgasm? Never fear! The cock rings are here!

Case #: 1717


I have been with my boyfriend for one year, and we have been having sex for eight months. Intercourse feels great when we have sex but I can never orgasm. Even when he's finished and I try masturbating, I never have an orgasm. I am really confused when it comes to orgasms because I have tried to ask friends what it feels like but all they tell me is, "You'll know when you get one." That doesn't really tell me anything and it's frustrating because I don't know what to look for. Before we started having sex we would dry hump and I got tingly one time. This is the closest I got to having an orgasm according to what I have read. Please help me. He has tried so many different things to help me orgasm and nothing does the trick.


As the forward thinking women of today's age, it is our responsibility to explore and seek out what really makes us tick.

Getting There Is Half The Fun

My philosophy is, 'if I don't know, how could you know?” We all need to start taking a little time for ourselves to truly figure out what pleases us in bed. That way when the moment arises, both parties are not left scratching their heads, wondering what went wrong.

Step One

I would say that the first step you should take in your orgasm journey is to get to know your own body completely, before you go back to exploring your partner's. Masturbation is the key in this process. I know you mentioned that masturbating after sexual intercourse doesn't really get you anywhere, however this would typically be the case for any woman who was engaged in sex shortly before trying to bring herself to climax. At this point in the game, your vagina and clitoris have reached their heightened state of stimulation and a numbing sensation will generally take over.

I would recommend trying to bring yourself to orgasm when your partner is not involved. This way you can figure out, on your own time, what you like and what feels good to you. The point of this practice is to put all the focus on your needs and wants. Sometimes we tend to concentrate all of our efforts into pleasing our partners, and subsequently our own orgasms get put on the back-burner.

Step Two

Once you've learned how to achieve orgasms on your own, you might need some extra help the first few times you put your theory to practice with your boyfriend. Vibrating rings are great for that little extra push over the edge we girls need sometimes. (TRY: Vibrating Cock Rings for Enhanced Sexual Pleasure) One of the best ways to both climax, and utilize a ring to its full potential is to get up and on top.

Frontward facing cowgirl is by far my most favorite sexual position. Once you've properly situated yourself on top of your man, don't go with the simple “up and down” motion. Instead lean forward while your man is snug set inside of you and slowly grind your clitoris against his pelvic bone. This motion mixed with a vibrating ring will have you seeing stars in no time at all. Just be sure that you are the one in control, setting the pace, and the one who decides the amount of friction that is applied to your clitoris.

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Views: 166

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59362

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