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What a P.O.S!: Why Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Isn’t the End of the World for Baby Dreamers

Her heart is broken. She thought her fertility was related to being overweight, but after working hard, has discovered she has polycystic ovary syndrome. What can she do to become fertile in these dire straits, that she might have a baby before she get’s any older?

Case #: 1693


I am deeply depressed at the moment. I just found out that I might have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I am really mad because the doctor wrote it down in my medical record months ago but he is just telling me now. I have been trying to lose weight to increase the chances of getting pregnant, and I have lost 20 pounds, but now I don't think that matters. My biggest fear is that no matter what I do, I won't be able to accomplish my dream to have a family. I haven't had a regular cycle for at least a year and it just gets me really sad. Does anybody know of anything that I can do to help increase my chances, or is there even anything that can be done with this? I want to have a baby while I'm still young, 27. Please help me.


I’m so sorry to hear about your difficulties. How frustrating to have had your condition diagnosed, but to not to have been told! The good news is, your hard work is not in vain. One of the secondary issues of polycystic ovary syndrome is Type II Diabetes, and controlling your weight will help you with pregnancy, and your own health! While you feel you’ve wasted your time, in reality you’ve better prepared your body for pregnancy, with less chance of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes.


Now, you must work to control your crazy cycle. You won’t be able to get pregnant without normalizing your menstruation and ovulation. The reason polycystic ovary syndrome wreaks such havoc on your ability to procreate, and a million other feminine needs, is because it promotes the holistic spread of androgens—which a woman should not have very much of at all. These androgens prevent you from ovulating as normal, and also prevent you from menstruating, by suppressing your estrogen and progesterone functions.

Take Over Control

So, the first thing you can do is to try to upend the abnormal control androgens have over your body. Ovulation is controlled by estrogen, but it’s not safe to take pure estrogen, especially in regards to polycystic ovary syndrome, as it can cause liver issues, and has been definitively linked to ovarian and breast cancers. Your body can also use progesterone to combat the androgenic influence, but high levels of progesterone can be just as detrimental to pregnancy.

Plant Power!

The best course of action is to begin a supplement containing adaptogenic phytochemicals, such as Maca, Black Cohosh, Mexican Wild Yam, or Chasteberry. I’m sure this sounds like some farcical health food claim, but phytochemicals are real, and they can positively impact your hormonal levels; they have been so influencing women for thousands of years. (TRY: PCOS Herbal Relief Formula) Foods and herbs that contain phytochemicals are known as adaptogenic, because the body can use them in whatever capacity it requires.

If you’re low in estrogen, the phytochemicals make up some of the deficit. If you need more androgens—not in your case—the chemicals can be used in that way also. It has to do with how your body views the molecular structure of the plant chemicals themselves. Luckily for you, it’s enough to know that these types of flora can start rebalancing your hormones to get your pregnancy plans back on track. Keep up your healthy weight—it’s encouraging your baby body more than you know. Best wishes for your future fertility!

What to do

Benefits of Maca For Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Tosha Nichole was diagnosed with PCOS, a hormonal disorder that caused cysts along the edg

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Views: 195

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility, PMS Problems

Blog ID: 60450

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