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Female experiences severe cervical pain during sex. MRI shows a tipped uterus. Is this what’s causing her pain during sex? Can anything be done?

Case #: 949


I am experiencing severe cervix pain when having sex and a MRI noted a significantly tilted uterus. Can this cause pressure on my cervix when having sex?


I’m afraid your tipped uterus is the reason for your pain during intercourse. It’s actually not uncommon for women with retroverted uteruses to complain of dyspareunia—pain during sex. When the uterus is tipped backwards, generally so are the ovaries and fallopian tubes, too, which means that during sex the head of the penis can bang into them, so to speak, causing a lot of pain.

This is known as collision dyspareunia. Perhaps the best solution is to try positions that don’t encourage such deep stimulation, especially if you have a well-endowed partner. You might also consider taking aspirin before beginning intercourse. I’ll discuss why further on.

Painless Positions

Woman-on-top is generally spoken of by women with tilted uteruses as the most painful position, so that’s definitely one to avoid, if you can help it. The reason, as I’m sure you know, is because it is a position of the deepest penetration, and depending on the orientation of the female, the penis can really strike the cervix and upper, posterior wall of the vagina.

Another high-ranking position on the pain index is “doggy-style”; again, because of the level of penetration and the angle of attack, as it were. While positions that allow the penis to strike the posterior wall are to be avoided, any position targeting the g-spot will probably allow you more pleasure during sex. As the g-spot is thought to be located on the low, anterior wall of the vagina; positions meant to stimulate this spot will have the head of the penis striking away from your sensitive organs, and hopefully give you a better time. Some g-spot friendly positions include (by their Kama Sutric names): The Fusion, The Flower Press, and the Rotated Woman.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Aspirin

Aspirin impairs the body’s ability to create prostaglandins, which is why it can be used to combat many types of pain. The pain you’re currently experiencing is due to an excess of the prostaglandin E2, which is created in response to bruising or abrasion of an area. It’s good that you figured out the cause of your pain now, as continued painful stimulation of the area can result in scar tissue, that over time leaves you less sensitive and in even more pain.

Unfortunately, aspirin is merely an interim solution, its method of action means that the body is left unable to produce the prostaglandins it needs for normal functions, namely E1 and E3.

Omega-3s, Please!

The best option for you is to find ways of having sex that keep the penis far from your cervix and the posterior of your vagina. Along with that, beginning an herbal course high in omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens can combat high levels of specifically prostaglandin E2, without ransoming the entire production of prostaglandins in the body. (SEE: Herbal Hormonal Balancing Formula) Prostaglandin E2 is generally seen as a negative hormone to have in excess; besides the obvious reason of heightened pain, it stimulates inflammation and bruising within the body, as well as scar tissue formation. By taking a supplement designed to ameliorate the irritating effects of this hormone, I’m sure you will be noticing a happy difference in your sex life very soon. Good luck!

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Views: 158

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 59579

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