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Dangers of Collagen G-Spot Injection

The collagen G-spot injection can turn your G-spot erectile tissues, nerves and blood vessels into dead collagen scars, leading to urinary problems and the inability to achieve an orgasm.

Case #: 256


I have a hard time climaxing. I heard of a collagen G-spot injection that is supposed to help. What are your thoughts?


That's a very bad solution for your orgasm troubles. The collagen G-spot injection in the peri-urethral erectile tissues is designed to create an artificial protrusion or bump around the G-spot. The problem is the procedure will turn the G-spot’s erectile tissues, nerves and blood vessels into permanent collagen scar tissue, leading to female erectile dysfunction. Once the collagen scar tissues are formed, there is no stimulation signal to be relayed to the pituitary. The collagen bump can interfere with the urinary flow or induce urinary urgency or incontinence.

Let's address your orgasm difficulty in a more holistic way. Women can have trouble achieving an orgasm for a number of reasons, including low or absent sexual desire, an inability to initiate or maintain arousal despite a desire to have sex, pain during sexual contact, or over-stimulation of the clitoris by sexual devices. Orgasm difficulty occurs to women of all ages.

Several factors may contribute to female orgasm difficulty. In addition to psychological problems, physical causes include arthritis, urinary or bowel difficulties, pelvic surgery, fatigue, headaches, and neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Certain medications, including some antidepressants, blood pressure medications, antihistamines and chemotherapy drugs, can decrease sex drive and inhibit the ability to achieve orgasm.

Menopause causes lower estrogen levels that may lead to changes in your genital tissues and your sexual responsiveness. Menopause also slows the natural swelling and lubrication of the vagina, leading to uncomfortable or painful intercourse (dyspareunia). You should try G-Spot Rejuvenation & Nerve Repair to help restore that lovely sensation once again.

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Views: 64

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 61541

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