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Anti-depressants Ruining Sex Lives

Learn how a woman's diagnosis of extreme fatigue has ruled out her chances of the “Big O” for a decade and what could be the cure to her pleasure problem.

Case #: 535


I've been diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, which frequently involves hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal dysfunction. I was prescribed SSRIs (anti-depressants) a decade ago by well-intentioned, but misguided doctors who thought they could cure a multi-systemic illness with anti-depressants! Needless to say, the SSRIs did nothing positive but exacerbated my symptoms.

I sometimes experience mild sexual attractions, but I have problems with sexual arousal. Needless to say, an orgasm is never even vaguely approached.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, most commonly referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, creates a debilitating weakness or fatigue. Many of us experience a tolerable amount of fatigue when doing certain tasks throughout the day. Or we might experience fatigue from lack of nutrition or because of a headache. People with CFS, however, will feel as though their bodies are reaching a breaking point just by sitting in a shaded area.

People who were diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ten years ago were wrongfully prescribed anti-depressants. And now, some of those people are experiencing multiple side effects, including vaginal insensitivity.

Depressing Depressants

If you've never been diagnosed with depression by a certified physician, you should not be on anti-depressants. It's basically like being injected with snake anti-venom when you have never been bitten by a snake. This form of medication can send you not only into a depression, it could also bring about major health risks. In this case, the SSRIs have lowered your sex drive.

Anti-depressants have been known to cause damage to the endocrine system, which replenishes a woman's body with testosterone. When the system cannot replenish testosterone, over-stimulation and frequent sex can leave your vagina desensitized.

Getting The Motor Running

To me, the notion of a purely vaginal orgasm is almost mythical. The idea that a woman can reach an orgasm solely through vaginal penetration is mind boggling to me. When you consider the vagina has very few nerve endings, it's pretty obvious that only a handful of us will ever experience an orgasm created by the vagina.

Try to not think about the vagina and clitoris as divided organisms, but more of an organization of nerves and muscles. Every woman knows that the best orgasm is clitoraly stimulated. The best way to get your “Big O” back is to focus on clitoral sensitivity, and the best way to reach orgasm is to position yourself on top of your partner.

This position allows the clitoris to remain constantly stimulated across his pelvic region. Herbal formula containing Black Cohosh and pumpkin seed can also help greatly by increasing the blood circulation to your genitals. Once the vagina and the ever-elusive G-spot are engorged with a frenzy of blood, your orgasm is just a hop, skip and a jump away.

[More Details +]

Views: 154

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive

Blog ID: 62289

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