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It’s Blood, Not Mud!

She has been on hormonal birth control for some time, however, she has recently begun having brown vaginal discharge. What is this stuff, why is she getting it, and what can she do to get rid of it?

Case #: 1479


I have been on birth control pills for almost nine months; lately I have been having a brown vaginal discharge—is it due to The Pill? Is there anything I can do to prevent this?


You are right on; your brown discharge is the result of your hormonal birth control. However, your problem is far from uncommon, and is easily rectified. That brown sludge in your drawers is simply old blood, nothing more, and is nothing to worry about, besides being a nuisance.

Slow to Grow

When you begin taking hormonal birth control, it can throw your whole body out of alignment. Sometimes this happens quickly—within a few days or weeks. Sometimes it takes time to build up side effects, such as in your case. It all has to do with how your body deals with the extra hormones you’re taking into your body.

What’s Going On Here?

I’m sure your doctor explained a bit about how hormonal birth control works to prevent pregnancy—a two part process of lowering the uterus’s susceptibility to sperm and making the uterus itself an unsustainable area for a fertilized egg. However, the hormones that cause those processes can cause a lot of other things to happen in your body, too.

Your body produces estrogen and progesterone naturally. You need both of these hormones for a variety of reasons; estrogen to develop a feminine shape, ovulate, and menstruate, and progesterone to control a number of brain and reproductive system processes. Birth control contains synthetic versions of the same chemicals. That’s why, when you take The Pill, so many things can go haywire for seemingly no reason—your body is confused by the unbalanced ratios of each hormone.

Clogged Not Cleansed

The other issue here is how well your body processes the new hormones. For women who begin to experience problems almost immediately after beginning birth control, it would seem that their bodies’ detoxification systems are not working as well as they should, while in your instance, it’s likely that your body simply became overwhelmed with unnecessary hormone leftovers and started to become clogged.

A Powerful Preparation

To clear up this annoying issue, and to prevent a future occurrence, you must help your body get back to its full detoxifying capacity. Your body must also find alignment between the hormones in your body now, and the hormones you are ingesting. There are some specific herbs I would recommend for each issue.

Ligustrum, Fenugreek, and Mexican Wild Yam can assist your body in producing the correct levels of each hormone. (TRY: Natural Herbal Concoction for Vaginal Detox and Infection Relief) In this case, your body needs to increase its production of estrogen. Mexican Wild Yam can supplement your body’s levels of estrogen until proper balance is again achieved. Fo Ti and Bupleurum are both powerful detoxifiers. Bupleurum revitalizes and rejuvenates the liver, whilst Fo Ti encourages better filtration throughout the body by strengthening the kidneys and liver.

I’m sure that you’ll soon see positive results by beginning this formula.

What to do

Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification Formula

Antibiotics and birth control pills can alter the balance of the ‘friendly’ micro flora that subsists in the vagina. Pathogens from these drugs can result in yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, with symptoms ranging from abnormal discharge,...

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Views: 163

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 59857

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