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Tipping the Scales: Her Tipped Uterus Makes Intercourse More Painful than Joyful

During sex, she experiences intense pain from within her body. Deep thrusts of her boyfriend’s penis are the worst. The problem is not to do with size, but rather the structure of her internal organs. She has a tipped uterus that is easily jabbed during intercourse. Her pain can be eased with an herbal remedy.

Case #: 702


Hello, I have a big problem. When I have sex and my boyfriend lifts my legs up and thrusts into me, it hurts my anile or somewhere else. I feel a sharp, cramp-like pain when he tries to go all the way inside. What is wrong with me? How do I feel better when my boyfriend goes deep inside? He is also bent, meaning his penis is bent, and it hits something inside that hurts. What do we do?


It’s unlikely you think about your anatomy and how it might affect your sexual experience. But even one physical deviation from normal can cause discomfort during and after intercourse. The deviation for you is in your uterus – specifically, you have a tipped uterus.

This does not mean that something is wrong with your body or that you should be fearful for your health, because a tipped uterus generally isn’t cause for concern. It can, however, make intercourse painful, which means you must learn your body and explore other options with sex.

Female Anatomy

The uterus is positioned in nearly the direct center of the female reproductive system. It is hollow and leans slightly forward. The top of this organ connects to the fallopian tubes to easily accept a fertilized egg. At its bottom is a long neck that becomes the cervix and connects to the vagina. To better understand, you might think of the uterus and cervix as forming the letter “p.”

The uterus is unique in that it contains both reproductive and sexual functions. As already mentioned, the uterus accepts an egg that’s been fertilized by sperm and nourishes and nurtures it until a woman gives birth.

But the uterus also encourages blood flow to the vagina and clitoris. That flow is essential for healthy sexual responses because it helps the clitoris enlarge during stimulation and also helps vaginal walls expand for penetration.

Discussing a Tipped Uterus

When the uterus tilts back, it points toward the rectum rather than forward to the belly button. This stretches the cervix, shortens the vagina and can impede intercourse. The end result is pain caused by the head of your boyfriend’s penis jabbing at the uterus. Although this organ performs sexual functions, it is not a sexual organ. Touching it does not bring feelings of pleasure, particularly as most women need clitoral stimulation in order to climax. Intercourse is, therefore, a chore rather than a joy.

Many different factors can cause a tipped uterus, including endometriosis, fibroids and pregnancy. This condition can also be genetic. A tilted uterus usually causes the ovaries and fallopian tubes to tilt as well. It is thus possible for all of these structures to be jabbed during intercourse and cause pain that extends throughout the pelvic region.

Sexual position is an important consideration for women with tipped uteruses. Being on top usually causes the most pain, followed closely by “doggy” style. Many women find the tried and true missionary position to be the most pleasurable. At this time, you and your partner should gently explore ways to have intercourse that don’t cause you pain. This might take some time, but be patient. The wait will be worth the reward.

Find Natural Relief

As you experiment a little in the bedroom, you can also find relief in the natural healing power of herbs (TRY: Female Restorex Plus Formula). Herbs have long been heralded for their medicinal properties, and they’ve been used prolifically in ancient healing traditions to treat many sexual dysfunctions. In your case, a specially blended formula can ease your symptoms so sex is again pleasurable. Ingredients like Black Cohosh and American Ginseng in the formula can relax vaginal muscles while also stimulating the production of healthy tissues.

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Views: 152

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 59692

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