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She Took an SSRI for Five Days and Still Cannot Regain Her Ability to Orgasm

A young woman briefly took a prescription SSRI three years ago and even today continues to suffer neurological side effects. Among her chief complaints is the inability to reach orgasm, which started only when she began taking the antidepressant.

Case #: 1332


Three years ago, I was prescribed an SSRI antidepressant for insomnia. After taking it for five days, I awoke feeling like my blood pressure had dropped. So I stopped taking it. The day after I stopped, I experienced strange neurological symptoms that have never completely gone away. The room looked like it was spinning around and shaking. Also, my ability to achieve orgasm was severely diminished. My sex life was great before I started the SSRI.


An estimated one in two patients experiences sexual side effects from SSRI medications. The most devastating include loss of libido, reduced sensitivity in genitals and inability to reach orgasm. While clinicians have known about this for at least 10 years, patients are only beginning to learn.

To make matters worse, data shows sexual side effects can persist well after patients stop their SSRI dosages. The Journal of Sexual Medicine even suggests people need to acknowledge the potential for long-term damage before they begin an SSRI prescription. Known as post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PPSD), reported cases of this condition continue to increase across the United States.

Treatment of Depression

The first SSRI launched in the United States, Prozac, became available for prescription in 1988. A multitude of other SSRIs quickly followed, and today one in 10 people is diagnosed as depressed. SSRI prescriptions thus abound.

People with depression are believed to have lower levels of serotonin in their bodies. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating many different brain functions. Among these is mood, and a shortage of the chemical will lead to prolonged feelings of sadness and melancholia.

SSRIs work by interfering with the way in which transmits messages in the brain. They specifically block reabsorption of the chemical so more is available in the brain. High levels of serotonin relieve the symptoms of depression.

SSRIs and Sexual Responses

But serotonin does more than regulate mood. It also normalizes sleep patterns, thus explaining the sedative affect this chemical has on the body. Such an affect spells trouble for sex because it prohibits men from ejaculating and women from reaching orgasm during intercourse.

The exact nature between SSRIs and delayed sexual responses is not well understood. Some clinicians theorize increased serotonin levels cause the brain to temper sexual functions like desire and arousal. Known as inhibitory controls, these restraints likely keep people from engaging in unhealthy sexual behaviors and promote higher fertility in men and women. But their activation also spoils sex because, again, they keep women from reaching climax.

It is further believed that SSRIs cause the brain to undergo neurochemical changes. Such changes occur in those areas responsible for sexual response – and yes, healthy sexual functions start in the head, not the genitals. This means the inability to orgasm might be the result of direct transformations to brain chemicals.

The Implications for Intimate Relationships

SSRIs influence six different neurotransmitters – one of which, as we’ve already described, is serotonin. Another is dopamine, a chemical that promotes feelings of affection and elation. With a reduction in dopamine comes a reduced ability to love. Many researchers thus question if women who take SSRIs can maintain romantic relationships.

But love isn’t just about chemicals – it also involves sex and intimacy. When women can’t orgasm, they lose that ability to romantically bond with their mates. It is therefore no wonder why so many couples struggle to survive the romantic barriers posed by SSRIs.

Restore Sexual Vitality

You’ve already taken the first step to restoring your sexual health by stopping the SSRI. Now you need to detoxify your body and expel the toxins created by the medication. How do you do this? The most efficient and natural way is with a botanical formula designed specifically for women. (TRY: Intensifying Orgasms Herbal Formula)

Herbs have a well-documented history in treating female sexual dysfunction. Among the most notable of these is Milk Thistle, which expels toxins and increases liver function, and Catuaba, which promotes healthy sexual responses. Along with other beneficial herbs, these will help you achieve orgasm so you once again feel satisfied from sex.

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Views: 176

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 61216

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