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Nature’s Little Helpers

An organic, healthy-eater needs help in the bedroom. What can she do to revive her sex life?

Case #: 946


I’m an organic, all-natural eater. I refuse to take any chemically contrived pills or eat anything with a face. And while my lifestyle demurs me from taking pills that will improve my current problem, I want an explanation of all-natural supplements that can help me. What herb or mineral can allay the problem so that I can return to having amazing sex with my partner?


Rather than a single herb or mineral, I recommend a supplement featuring a combination of minerals that work on multiple facets of your sexuality.

Sexual Structure

Horny Goat Weed, Gingko, Panax Ginseng, Yohimbe, Siberian Ginseng and Gotu Kola change the architecture of the sexual response system. Here’s an overview of how herbs revitalize the body’s damaged sexual system.

  • Cindium increases the presence of nitric oxide, which creates erectile response in both the clitoris and the penis.
  • Horny Goat Weed increases the diameter of blood vessels and inhibits estrogen creation that enhances testosterone production and encourages a higher sex drive. It has proved effective at treating erectile dysfunction. And because the clitoris and the penis function on the same mechanism of nitric oxide, the herb proves effective.
  • Gingko and Yohimbe increase blood flow, aid in the secretion of nitric oxide and relax smooth tissue. Good blood flow is imperative to a pleasurable sexual experience. When the genitals become engorged with blood, sensation becomes noticeable, and because Gingko increases both sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, it makes for a helpful ingredient.
  • Gotu Kola reduces venous pressure—allowing for better blood flow. Ginseng functions as an adaptogen, helping to soothe, to stimulate and to nourish the body.
  • Mexican Wild Yam contains high amounts of phytoestrogens, which balance the body’s levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Proper estrogen levels keep the vagina lush and lubricated, while progesterone prevents hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain and weepiness.
  • Korean Red Ginseng can increase menopausal-enjoyment of sex by calming the clitoral cavernosal and vaginal smooth muscle. It too increases stamina and endurance, which for a woman could mean a stronger sexual desire.
  • Schisandra provides a holistically beneficial action on females by increasing the blood flow to the genitals and by improving stamina and sexual desire.

All-Natural Remedy

Instead of choosing just one of these plants for their specific gains, try a blend of them to benefit you in multiple ways. (SEE: Vaginal Looseness Restoration & Insensitivity Formula) The tonic I’m suggesting is formulated to increase sexual pleasure and response for women, and it’s multi-ingredient formulation means that it will target multiple issues at once. It is not chemically derived, and as many of the ingredients are picked from nature, it contains no chemical contamination.

[More Details +]

Views: 149

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Looseness

Blog ID: 59173

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