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Extreme Hormonal Imbalance Produces Endless Vaginal Discharge that Almost Dehydrated Her

She produced vast amount of vaginal discharge when using Ortho-Evra patch for birth control for about 8 months.

Case #: 34509


I have been using the birth control patch for birth control for about 8 months. For the last 4 months I've had an enormous amount of vaginal discharge. The discharge is slightly sticky, very watery, and has a very slight odor to it. It has a faint yellow tint to it when I swept it with white tissue. Doctor suspected it was bacterial vaginosis.

After 7-day treatment, excessive watery discharge was still coming out. It's almost like incontinence, but it's coming from my vagina. I was told that this enormous amount of vaginal liquid is a way that vagina trying to clean itself. But it is just too much for me to handle. Sometimes my sheet is wet in the morning. I think I might dehydrate if this continues like crazy.


Your excessive discharge is due to the over-stimulation of progestin from the artificial progesterone in your birth control. It is poisoning your cervix! You are unfortunately suffering a common side effect of birth control.

The patch you are using contain both norelgestromin (progestin) and ethinyl estradiol (estrogen) hormones. [1] Standard birth control medication emulates a pregnancy state by flooding the brain with excessive progesterone and estrogen, so that your brain will think you are pregnant and then shut down your ovarian function. This results in excessive progesterone or estrogen in the uterus and cervix. When the liver fails to detoxify the excessive hormones and to fully support the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin, you may suffer from various side effects including excessive vaginal discharge.

If there is excessive estrogen in the bloodstream, the vagina becomes too wet and has no feeling. The labia minors and clitoral foreskin will grow if the tissue is exposed to excessive estrogen for a long time.

Progestin in hormone-based birth control generally causes a heavy vaginal discharge, due to the over-stimulation of the cervix by excessive progesterone. The artificial hormones Progestin and Conjugated Estrogen can cause spotting from the uterine lining. When the spotting is very small, it will stay inside the vagina and mix with cervical mucus. When the spotting blood is oxidized, the resulting vaginal discharge becomes dark black or brown, depending on the quantity of the spotting blood and the duration it was trapped inside. If it is trapped for too long, yeast can change its color to black or produce a bad smell.

Good hygiene may prevent unhealthy vaginal discharge. Rinse soap from your outer genital area after a shower, and dry the area well to prevent irritation. Wipe from front to back after using the toilet to avoid spreading fecal bacteria to your vagina. Try the VRD Formula I (Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula) to enhance the liver function, metabolized out the excessive amount of hormones, and realign your nervous and endocrine system back to normal.


  1. ^Jick SS, Hagberg KW, Kaye JA., ORTHO EVRA and venous thromboembolism: an update., Contraception. 2010 May;81(5):452-3. Epub 2010 Jan 27.
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Views: 152

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 60968

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