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Bothersome Birth Control

She used to enjoy sexual intercourse. Now, she almost fears it because of the lack of pleasure she experiences. She is also having problems with white discharge. Is this due to the birth control? What can she do about these issues?
Case #: 1450

Before I decided to go on birth control my boyfriend and I would have sex and everything was fine. Once I started birth control I have noticed that I am not as sexually excited as before. I almost fear sex now because I no longer see it as pleasurable as before. Not only am I not looking forward to sex anymore but I have also been experiencing white discharge because of the birth control. Can I get some help?

Well, you were right when you diagnosed your problem as relating to birth control. You’re currently experiencing an estrogen deficiency, which is causing an excess of prolactin and progesterone. You can solve this problem by detoxifying your body of the buildup of synthetic hormones, and by increasing the levels of estrogen in your body.
Up and Down

Your white discharge is, as you rightly noted, caused by your birth control. The reason for this is due to how your body is processing the hormones you’re taking in as birth control. Hormonal birth control is generally made of two hormones: estrogen and progesterone, and will definitely contain at least progesterone.
In a normal female hormonal system, progesterone and estrogen are well balanced against each other. The ups and downs of the respective hormone levels determine what happens during each section of your menstrual cycle. The progesterone and estrogen in birth control alter that balance somewhat, to create what constitutes as protection against pregnancy.
Too Thick

The progesterone in birth control has two actions in that regard: thickening the mucus lining of your cervix, and keeping your body from building up too thick an epithelium. The thickening of your cervical mucus is what’s contributing to your white discharge—that discharge is simply the excess mucus being expelled from the body.
Losing Your Pleasure

As for your decreased sexual desire and enjoyment, that too is related to your hormones. Occasionally, a female body taking hormonal birth control will experience a decrease in estrogen, even though she is actively ingesting it. This is because her body sees the ingested estrogen as enough, rather than continuing to manufacture it’s own estrogen.
Without estrogen production, estrogen levels fall dramatically. This fails to balance the increased progesterone—resulting in discharge, but also creates an unexpected side effect—excess prolactin. Prolactin is not a hormone that occurs normally in women, save during very specific times, such as directly after pregnancy. It serves to protect a woman from becoming pregnant again too soon, by dampening sexual desire, arousal, and enjoyment.
Estrogen and prolactin function in opposition to each other, but without proper estrogen levels, prolactin levels increase abnormally, resulting in your loss of sexual satisfaction and interest. Not only that, but estrogen and oxytocin—a hormone necessary for female orgasm—have an intrinsic link, so a lack of estrogen can also diminish your ability to orgasm as well.
Strong Stabilizer

I recommend beginning an herbal formula designed to cleanse your body of excess hormones, and promote a healthy hormonal balance internally. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Clitoral & Vaginal Sensation Enhancement) Dong Quai is a powerful detoxifier, strengthening circulation throughout the entire feminine reproductive area. Black Cohosh, Mexican Wild Yam, Evening Primrose Oil, and Pumpkin Seed all contain compounds that encourage your body to internally balance its hormones, and act as a soluble crutch in the meantime—giving your body the hormones it needs, with no lasting effects.
I’m sure that by beginning this remedy, you will soon be rid both of your irritating discharge, and your stressful disinterest and displeasure in sex.

What to do

Natural Renewal Remedy for Vaginal & Clitoral Desensitization

Vaginal abrasion, aging, prescription drugs, birth control medications, oxytocin imbalance, estrogen imbalance, and poor vaginal peripheral circulation may all lead to the desensitization of the G-spot, and the vaginal and clitoral sensitivity...

[More Details +]

Views: 182

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 58557

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