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She Ain’t Like She Used to Be

Married mother of two wonders what happened to her wonderful tightness of old. Why can’t she make her husband orgasm like she used to? Has she lost her touch? How can she regain her tightness and what can she do to pleasure her husband in the meantime?

Case #: 590


I once made a $100 bet with my boyfriend that I could make him orgasm in under two minutes. A minute and a half later, I was online shopping for a new watch. According to him, my tightness, combined with my ardent movements, made him quiver and moan in under a minute.

That was 10 years ago.

Now married and with two kids, I’m lucky if my husband can orgasm at all. Before, I thought it was an issue on his side. But after awhile, my husband confessed: it was my lack of tightness that was to blame. What happened to me? Have I become sexually inept? What can I do to improve my tightness and make him orgasm faster than I can purchase a new watch?


What’s happened to you is that you had two children and aged 10 years. It’s nothing abnormal! As a matter of fact, I’m sure you’d still be able to give plenty of men a run for their money—surely your husband has just been pampered by your masterful skills.

However, having two children is enough to stretch your vagina, and as you age, your vagina will only get looser because of the drop in hormones. I do have some suggestions for you!

Train and Tighten

The go-to solution for women who want to tighten their vagina is Kegel exercises. Kegels are isometric exercises where the woman clenches, holds, and releases the walls of her vagina to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles, which wrap around the vagina, bladder and anus. Kegal exercises can be done anywhere, and a woman gradually improves muscle tightness. Many, many women state that Kegels have given them tightened vaginas, better sex, and better orgasms.

Men can also do Kegels, and they might benefit your husband to try some as well—because they can provide a better sexual experience for both you and him. The most important part of beginning to practice Kegels is identifying the correct muscle group—for both you and him. You can find detailed, no-nonsense instructions on Kegels at sites like MayoClinic or WebMD.

Power Poses

Between the time that you begin practicing Kegels and when you start to notice results, why not try having sex in positions that enhance vaginal tightness? Make sure you’re properly lubricated for each of these positions—increased tightness can result in chafing if you’re not careful. A basic way to add the sensation of tightness is to begin on your back and him on top, but instead of extending your legs out, plant your feet on his chest.

As you bear down on your feet, your pelvic muscles will tighten as well, creating a tighter fit. Another easy way to feel tighter is to cross your ankles while having sex—that is, begin on your back with him on top, then cross your ankles and press your thighs together. This will feel much tighter because his penis will be rubbing against both sides of your vagina, as well as your thighs. You can also try this position upside down, with you on your stomach.

Keep your legs pressed together, and have him straddle you with his legs outside of yours. Again, there is the increased sensation of your buttocks and thighs, as well as your compressed vagina. You might also experiment with standing positions, such as against a wall, with your thighs pressed together (after entry, of course), or in a forward bend, as though trying to touch your toes.

Detoxify and Renew

While you begin your new exercises, and experiment with new positions, you might also try a new course of herbal treatment. I suggest starting a formula featuring herbs that increase circulation to the vagina (see: VRD Formula II), as increased circulation means healthier tissues, better lubrication, and quicker healing and strengthening from exercises.

Increased circulation also helps with detoxification, removing chemical buildups that are anathema to a tight, happy vagina. With these things in mind, I’m sure you’ll soon be sporting another new watch!

[More Details +]

Views: 68

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Looseness

Blog ID: 59132

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