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Mr. Softee Without the Truck – Mr. Happy Goes Soft

In this case study we find that a man has slipped into a state of chronic masturbation in spite of being a virgin, and now his future as a sexually charged husband is in jeopardy. What can he do to recharge his body in time for his wedding and especially his honeymoon?

Case #: 1218


I am still a virgin and so is the girl I am going to get married to in the next 5 to 6 months. I masturbate a lot, 1 to 3 times a day and I feel this will ruin my marriage. Lately I have been experiencing weak erections. What should I do now to train myself to have strong erections and last a little longer? I want to have good erections like I used to before and maybe stop masturbating so I can have sex instead of masturbate.


It’s quite typical for men to wake up with morning erections; it’s a sign that their sex-drive is healthy and that their bodies contains the necessary hormones and neurochemicals to become aroused.

Well, Well

Many men engage in masturbation during this time and while that’s all fine and dandy, a good rule of thumb is to limit your masturbatory cycle to every other day. However, self-sexy time can become addictive (no pun intended) for some men, and every time that they pop a tent downstairs they may feel compelled to stroke the wizard. Let’s break down what is happening as a result of all of this...

Imagine for a moment that you are the leader of a small village and that its sole source of water is a shared central well. Of course, the well water is a metaphor for your body’s resources such as the aforementioned neurochemicals and sex hormones/growth factors such as HGH and testosterone.

Now let’s say that your villagers really, really enjoy water-balloon matches (your masturbation) and that this became a common festivity for them to engage in; in fact, it soon became the number one way that they could have fun and release stress and anxiety.

Well in order for them to fill up those balloons they would have to keep dipping into the well for water, and eventually your water reserves became so drained that your poor little well was in danger of going dry. In other words, your body’s supply of neurochemicals and hormones have been severely depleted by your over masturbation that it has resulted in you becoming sexually exhausted, which can lead to a whole host of symptoms including weak erections. So how do you make things better in your little village?


Masturbating every day is already excessive and several times a day is way too much, so in order to rein things in a little try masturbating once every other day. Give your villagers something else to do for a fun activity such as starting a new workout program or playing sports.

Specialized botanical remedies can give you that extra boost you need to get back to the “hardness” you once had. They contain the crucial ingredients that you need to both provide proper signaling between your brain and penis (nitric oxide) as well as the promotion of firmer erections (HGH, dopamine, testosterone, acetylcholine). (TRY: Erectile Dysfunction Natural Formula) Pharmaceutical erectile drugs can seem like a convenient quick-fix for erection problems, but in reality they may cause other symptoms to pop-up (side-effects). Since these ancient herbal formulas are all-natural, they are harmless to your body and go right to work on rejuvenating and replenishing it, and your villagers can get back to being happy once again!

[More Details +]

Views: 146

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60069

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