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Stuck On Stiff – All-Natural Penis Enhancement

In this case study we hear from a gentleman who is going through what could first be perceived to be the perfect state: a constant hard-on. But in reality this can be an unwanted problem. How is he to rectify this issue?

Case #: 1242


I am a little bit concerned that I may have a problem. I have one erection that lasts all throughout the night and this can't be good. My girlfriend made me ejaculate last night and even after that it did not go down. Is there a danger in this happening?


At first, having a constant stiffy can make you seem like the envy of any man; staying hard forever and being able to please your woman to no end. Your girlfriend probably keeps you and your “treasure crotch” well-guarded indeed [wink]. All kidding aside; this condition, alternately known as Persistent Erection, Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS), and Priapism, can be quite a distressing matter. Let’s break down what is causing this unpleasant state...

When Staying Hard is Bad

Persistent Erection can commonly be caused by an unnatural growth, such as a tumor or cyst, within the vessels in your prostate or penis. The accumulation of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 resulting from this problem can “switch on” your sexual arousal machinery/circuitry and keep it stuck there. Prolactin, or lactotrope, is the protein normally responsible for “shutting down” this machine and quelling your arousal state, but if your pituitary gland is not functioning properly it can’t release enough prolactin to achieve this, leading to this seemingly envious state.

The culprit? Over masturbation; and let me explain why. When you engage in too much self-sexy time, you can exhaust the amount of prolactin and oxycotin that you have available in your bloodstream which is required to make you have that “Ahhhhhh...” feeling and relax you into a sexually sated state. In other words, your penis never receives the orders to “stand down” and instead maintains standing at attention even when your mind is saying “enough already…we’re done for now.” So how do we fix this issue?

Invest in an All-Natural Off-Switch

In order to begin to calm that bad boy down, simply take a break from sexual activity (sex AND masturbation) until your issue is resolved. When you do return to it, take it easy on yourself and only indulge in play-time 3 to 4 times per week. This will help by enabling your poor worn-out body to replenish its reserves and re-balance your hormonal levels.

For many however, this may not be enough, and that’s when it’s time get serious and consider taking a natural botanical mixture to really get this handled. Ancient Chinese herbalist figured out how to remedy various sexual dysfunctions long ago, and now these potent herbs are much more readily available to Western society.

These mixtures are specially formulated to boost your liver’s capacity to detoxify your body, alleviate that nasty prostaglandin E-2 build-up, and feed nutrients directly into your seminal vesicles, prostate, testicles, and penile tissues and arteries; effectively repairing and rejuvenating them. (TRY: Natural Persistent Erection Relief Formula) The result? Your “big boy” finally receives his orders to stand down and get some much needed rest and relaxation. Your girlfriend might not be as enthusiastic about this process as you are but it will be healthier for you in the long run.

[More Details +]

Views: 189

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 59445

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