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He’s an Old Softy—Never Able to Hold An Erection, He Wants A Solution, Now!

He’s never been able to hold onto his erection, but now it’s become a real issue for him. He’s backing out of sexual encounters to avoid having to display his shameful problem. He’s hoping for an easy solution, but hasn’t gone to see and doctor and wants to avoid pills and prescriptions. What else can he try?
Case #: 2084

I’ve always had a problem keeping an erection, even since I was very young. I’m now more than old enough to be having regular sexual encounters, but I find myself pulling back, out of fear for their reaction to my softy. I don’t know what the problem is, but I don’t want to risk taking any medications without knowing for sure. Is there some other kind of solution you can offer?

If this was a problem that had gone on throughout my life, I probably would have done some looking into it before now. It’s definitely not normal for a guy to be unable to sustain a hard erection for at least some part of his life. For you to spend your entire life without this ability spells serious trouble for your penis now.
Leaky Pipes

I happen to think that the reason for this semi-solid state is due to a venous leak. Venous leaks are often congenital issues, which explains why it’s gone on for so long. They can sometimes be the result of unchecked high blood pressure, but you didn’t mention anything about such extenuating circumstances in your letter, so we’ll assume it’s otherwise. What a venous leak consists of is pretty clearly understandable in the name—the veins of your penis are unable to remain full of blood without leaking. Blood flows in, and then flows out again. At no point is there a steady supply of held blood to keep your penis firm.
No Pills, Please

I agree with your decision not to pursue outside pharmaceutical help at this time. It’s always best to consult a doctor before you begin a new course of treatment, especially sight unseen. The fortunate thing is that in your instance I don’t have any pills to push on you. There really isn’t a lot to do for venous leak in that department, besides trying to strengthen and restore the blood vessels. There are some experimental treatments ongoing in which a few spurring-off capillaries are cauterized, in an attempt to keep blood where it should be, but this is by no means a common treatment.
A Circular Argument

The best thing I can recommend for you is a penile loop. This is a very specific type of constraint designed to keep blood in the penis, without preventing more blood from flowing in. In normal-style cock rings, blood is trapped inside the penis, but circulation is effectively cut off—a dangerous situation, and one that will not improve your current hardness levels. (TRY: Penile Loops for Venous Leak Support) A penile loop allows your penis to take in more and more blood, without letting it all flow out again. It’s completely adjustable, for comfort and safety, and will definitely see you achieving harder erections with it.
Start living our your sex life, instead of hiding from it! A penile loop is easy, safe, and practical for a man in your situation. Go for it!

What to do

Penile Loop for Venous Leak

Keep penile blood inside the chambers to prevent venous leaks.

[More Details +]

Views: 165

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 61617

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