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All Dried Up: What Am I To Do

Learn how a woman in her prime cannot seem to produce enough moisture on her own, and what she can do to fix her dry spell.
Case #: 1376

I've read articles that describe how clean the vagina can be. According to studies, the organ remains the cleanest body part for women. And while I believe the reports, sometimes, I feel the cleanliness may not always be my issue-but moisture. I love sex, but my moisture levels stymie my abilities to enjoy sex. For a thirty-six year old woman who still loves, and remains physically attracted to her partner, I should not experience these problems. What am I to do?

Though it may be hard to believe, women of all ages have experienced, or are experiencing what you're going through right now . . . Including myself.
A Common Occurrence

About six months ago I noticed I just wasn't able to produce the same amount of moisture as I had previously. To the naked eye, there had been no drastic changes in my life. I still ate the same, I had the same boyfriend who I still find incredibly sexy and desirable, and my libido was at the same level it had been before.
I began to do some research, as I was so confused on what could be causing this 'all-dried-up' affect. I was surprised to come across a long laundry list of reasons why this might happen to a woman of my age. I, like yourself, I am far too young to even think about the possibility of menopause, so I ruled that hideous idea out immediately. The real reason was thankfully, a much easier fish to fry than per-menopausal symptoms.
Birth Control Problems

I quickly learned that the reason I was experiencing such a drought was because my birth control had begun to really kick in, and it was causing my estrogen levels to drop to an all time low. I realized just how important growth hormones like estrogen and progesterone are to a healthy vagina. Estrogen is what keeps the vagina well lubricated and promotes elasticity and acidity. When we take the pill, it can have some pretty adverse affects on a well-balanced hormonal system. Along with vaginal dryness, it can also cause low libido, mood swings, and in some sever cases longer menstruation cycles.
Wetter Is Better

Luckily, there is a simple, non-intrusive solution to vaginal dryness. Herbal remedies that include ingredients such as Dong Quai, Wild Yam, and Licorice will greatly restore your vaginal moisture. (SEE: Natural Formula for Vaginal Dryness Relief) The star of this natural formula is the wild yam. Not only is it infused with Vitamin E, it also contains diosgenin taken from a plant compound that structurally mimics estrogen.
I would also suggest talking to your doctor about the possibility of being put on a birth control with a lower dosage then you've previously been prescribed. If, at all possible, this will also help to eventually level out this hormonal imbalance you're experiencing.
Acting Fast

Though it may not seem like such a serious problem now, I would strongly urge you to utilize these herbs as soon as possible. Otherwise, your vaginal dryness will only increase in its frequency. This will only lead to painful sex, and quite possibly graduate to vaginal insensitivity. Needless to say, the quicker this issue is addressed the faster you'll be on your way to a slippery good time.

What to do

Advanced Botanical Formula for Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness, common among women of all ages, worsens with age. Soy Isoflavones, Rhodiola, Muira Puama, Shilajit, Cistanche, Morinda, Milk Thistle, and Suma (Pfaffia Paniculata) found in this formula replenish and help the endocrine system to...

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Views: 161

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Dryness

Blog ID: 59469

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