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Men Can Do It, Why Can’t Women – She Wants to Control Her Female Ejaculation

While contemplating female ejaculation, she and her roommate discovered they have questions as to how it can be controlled. After all, men know when they’re going to release fluid, so it’s only natural to assume women should as well. But the real question she’s trying to ask if she can minimize the amount of fluid she expels during orgasm.

Case #: 1634


My roommate and I had a really curious question. We know that men always know when they are going to ejaculate, but do women feel the same thing? We have discussed this with each other, but neither of us feels anything when we are wet and having sex. When we do ejaculate, it just sort of happens and gushes out. Does anyone else have any opinions on how they will be able to feel it so it won’t “just happen?”


What you’re probably asking is if women can minimize how much they ejaculate at the point of orgasm. The answer is yes, but it takes some time. Men know when they are going to ejaculate because they expect to each and every time they orgasm. Generally speaking, people know when they’re on the brink of “coming.” Perhaps you, too, can assume you’ll expel fluid with every climax.

Although female ejaculation doesn’t seem normal, it is. Scientists at Florida State University found that more than 80 percent of women expel fluid with orgasm. So rest assured it means nothing more than you’re having highly satisfying sex.

Defining the Mysterious Female Ejaculate

It wasn’t long ago that people blamed female ejaculation on bladder incontinence, meaning they falsely identified the fluid as urine. But studies confirm the fluids are independent of each other. If you’re still not sure, take a closer look – female ejaculation does not share the same sight or odor as urine.

One of the most interesting aspects of female ejaculation is the link it establishes between men and women. As already stated, men ejaculate with every orgasm. The prostate – an organ roughly the size of a walnut that protects sperm by wrapping them in fluid – is responsible for ejaculation. Women don’t have a prostate, but they do have Skene’s glands. Those glands create the fluid expelled by women during orgasm and are therefore the female equivalent of the prostate.

The Skene’s glands are located on the anterior wall of the vagina embedded in tissue. It has long been noted that not every woman has the ability to ejaculate because of the position of the Skene’s glands. Just as the G-spot cannot be definitively mapped, neither can the Skene’s glands. That is to say they’re not positioned exactly the same in every woman. This explains why one woman might ejaculate not at all or just a few drops, and another might expel much more fluid.

Ejaculating and Squirting are not the Same Activities

Female ejaculation is a very specific act. We’ve talked a little about the Skene’s glands, but you also need to know they engorge slightly during sexual arousal. The fluid they release with orgasm is white, milky and musky. Because orgasm is unconscious, you can’t know how much or how little fluid you’ll expel until you actually do so.

It’s easy to confuse them, but ejaculation and squirting are not the same. The former does not shoot from the body. It’s simply released in response to sexual stimulation. Squirting, on the other hand, is a conscious and deliberate act to expel large amounts of fluid in a stream. It is more similar to urine than ejaculation and has little to do with sexual pleasure. Rather, squirting is a ploy often depicted in porn films to simulate an intense orgasm.

Notching Down the Ejaculation

Many women feel embarrassed by their ejaculation and want to control it so they can in turn control their wetness. Some feel the need to do this for themselves, while others want to do it for their partners. One of the best pieces of advice is to cover bed sheets with a towel – this keeps your mattress clean and dry. Also share your feelings and/or concerns with your partner. You may find your worries are unnecessary.

To gain control over your body, we recommend you practice Advanced Aswini Mudra Yoga. This promotes healthy organs and also strengthens the connection between mind, body and spirit. (SEE: Advanced Aswini Mudra Yoga) By harnessing that connection, you can learn to guide your body and reduce the fluid expelled during sex.

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Views: 154

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 59079

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