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Am I Tipping The Scale

Learn how a woman is utterly confused about her post-orgasm pain, and how she can make it stop.
Case #: 1378

I've experienced post orgasmic cramping, three times within the last couple of months. This does not occur every time, the last one was the worst so far and lasted 30-40 minutes. The next morning I was still sore, what’s causing this and what can I do to relieve the pain?

Unfortunately, many women equate some level of discomfort with sexual intercourse. It really shouldn't be the case, but the vagina is a very complex and mercurial organ.
Is This Normal

It's important to understand that sex can, and should be an enjoyable experience for all parties involved. And if it isn't, then something should be done to rectify the situation.
Endless Possibilities

There are numerous reasons why a woman might experience vaginal pain during intercourse. These reasons include, but are not limited to; insufficient lubrication, inflammation, a tipped uterus, injury or trauma, infection, or an adverse reaction to birth control. Though the possibilities are endless, in this case I would put my money on either the pill, or the possibility of having a tipped uterus. The occurrence of post-orgasmic cramping is usually heavily linked to having a tilted pelvis. Think of it as your body's way of letting you know.
Personal Experience

A few years ago, I was on a form of birth control that did not agree with me one bit. I menstruated for weeks on end, I had pains at the base of my neck and the backs of my legs, and I too experienced sever cramping after sexual intercourse. The cramping became so bad at one point, it felt as if I was literally being stabbed in the lower abdomen. After two months of torture I was convinced that this was not the contraceptive or me. I talked to me doctor, and was immediately taken off my birth control completely.
During this time of detox, I was able to utilize some great natural herbs such as Turkey Rhubarb, Ligustrum, and Muira Puama. These herbs were able to take away my post-orgasmic pains by promoting better blood circulation in the genital area, as well as replenishing the body with pivotal neurotransmitters that are imperative for proper tissue rejuvenation. (TRY: Natural Formula for Vaginal Detox & Restoration) Ligustrum is especially great for detoxing the body and improving the liver function. Turkey rhubarb has anti-inflammatory properties that will help to reduce the pain you are experiencing after sessions of intercourse.
What It Comes Down To

Though there are numerous reasons why you might experience a level of uncomfortably during intercourse, the pain will usually stem from only one of two factors. Either your body is producing an excessive amount of prostaglandin E-2, or your uterine-ligament has weakened and there is a lack of prostaglandin E-1. Subsequently turning the vaginal tissues and muscles rigid and inflexible.

What to do

VRD Formula III - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Intercourse Pain

Abusing a vibrator can trigger chronic elevation of prolactin, dopamine-norepinephrine or epinephrine conversion, leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. Vibrator abuse can accelerate aging of the vagina,...

[More Details +]

Views: 228

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 58542

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