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What Causes Orgasms To Disappear? The Answer...

When we first started to have sex she would orgasm every time but lately she has been having trouble…I don’t know if it is me.

Case #: 25008


My girlfriend and I got together about 3 months ago. In the last 2 months, I was performing well and my girlfriend would reach orgasm almost every time. Sometimes, I’d have to take a break and she’d make me stimulate her orally. But lately, she has been having trouble achieving orgasm, no matter how hard I try. I don’t know if it’s me. We have sex at least twice every day and she never has an orgasm now. What’s going on with her, or me?


It seems that your girlfriend is sexually exhausted from your daily sexual activities. If her endocrine system is not efficient enough to replenish her body with estrogen, dopamine, testosterone, and other critical growth factors, then frequent sex will numb her clitoris and G-spot resulting in a temporary loss of her orgasmic capacity.

Over-stimulation has drained the bioelectric energy in her sensory, parasympathetic and sympathetic sexual nerves, causing the numbness, irritation and irresponsiveness of her clitoris and G-spot.

Let her take a break for a few days to recharge her body with herbs from Natural Clitoral Revitalization formula. Herbs in this formula can help her gradually rejuvenate the neuro-endocrine function and boost her estrogen, oxytocin, dopamine, testosterone, and nitric oxide production.

On the other hand, you could be partially responsible after all. You may not have a solid erection because you ejaculate more than twice a day. You need to make sure you are completely hard in order to hit her G-Spot again. If your erection quality is not as good as before, take herbs from Natural Erection Supplements & Pills to boost your erection power. Herbs from this formula improve penis peripheral blood vessel circulation to ensure that the erection is sustainable for a long period of time. It is also aimed to prevent venous leakage that many sexual active males experience.

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Views: 159

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59243

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