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Dry Vagina Problems: Understanding Why You’re Getting Drier and Drier in Your 20s

Are you worried about the amount of moisture you're putting out during sex?
Case #: 1828

Until a few weeks ago, I never had a problem with vaginal dryness. When I have sex, I remain dry, and it isn't fun. It's as if the lubricant from the condom isn't enough. We have tried water-based lubricants only to experience the same results. Did we use the wrong type of lube? Could there be something wrong with me?

As a woman, I understand the decrease of natural vaginal lubrication can be daunting. Many women see that type of bodily reaction as a sign of the “Big Change.” However, a decrease in estrogen, which is caused by any number of reasons, including birth control, allergies, breast feeding, immune disorders, cigarettes, antidepressants and childbirth, can cause a reduction of vaginal fluids.
Quick Tips

Estrogen keeps your vagina tissue healthy, and any decrease can lead to dryness, irritability and inelasticity. Women looking to curb discomfort and to improve moisture must balance estrogen levels to a manageable level, and anyone willing enough, can find the following helpful:

  1. Taking Wild Yam. A natural hormonal booster, Wild Yam can raise your estrogen levels, and because the plant contains estrogen-restorative properties, it mimics the female hormone.
  2. Altering Your Diet. Food produces a natural resource for internal lubricants; food also can serve as a natural deterrent for moisture. Fatty foods and red meats can each decrease lubricant volume.
  3. Eating Almonds. Almonds contain natural oils that increase the moisture of your vaginal tissue.

The Right Lube
I would also suggest staying away from the water-based lubricants, and start taking silicone-based lubricants that remain the safest and best with latex condoms. (SEE: Guide for Silicone Lubes) Silicon also ensures a thicker consistency than water and oil-based lubes. The only drawbacks of silicon lubricants are the price, which runs a bit higher than the other two types, and the stains silicon can leave on bed sheets.
A likely cause of your current condition may be because of the water-based lubricants you use. Still, by switching both brand and type of lubricant you use, you can find better results and more moisture for your vagina.

What to do

Silicone Lube Guide

You never hear about the injuries accrued on a porno set.

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Views: 194

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Dryness

Blog ID: 62177

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